Chapter 42

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So, this chapter was originally like 3600 words, so I separated it into two chapters. The second one will come sometime this week, once I edit it. Anyway, on with the reading!

Chapter 42


Following her short-lived trip to Europe, Val made it back to the states just days before the birth of her niece, Leia Jade Moore. She ultimately decided to remain in Little Rock for the duration of her recovery and to help Lexy with Princess Leia as much as she could.

It would be another six weeks before her ankle healed well enough for her to return to work. Joe was ecstatic to have her back on the road with him, but he needed more. January was just too far away, but he'd have plenty of time to plead his case and convince her to move the date up.

He wrapped a towel around his waist and flopped down on the bed of yet another hotel room, waiting for Val to come back from her shopping outing with Trinity. Unfortunately, he knew that he'd be dropping the heavyweight title to Colby who'd returned last month from injury. He also knew that he was facing a 30-day suspension which he had yet to reveal to Val.

"Fuck," he softly cursed when the electronic lock of the hotel door clicked open and Val walked in.

"Babe, you up?" she asked, going over to the bed.

"Yeah," he said, sitting up and pulling her between his legs. He lifted her shirt and kissed her belly button.

"You have fun?" he asked, pulling her onto his lap.

"Yeah, but I shopped mostly for Leia. Ya know," she said, kissing his earlobe, "you're looking damn good right now."

"Hold that thought. I need to talk to you about something."

"I'm listening."

"I, um ... I got popped."

"Popped? What are you talking about?" Val asked.

"I got popped for, um, for a Wellness violation."

"What?!" Val exclaimed, standing and glaring down at him. "You're kidding right? Joe, I literally just got back like not even two weeks ago!"

"I know, baby, and I'm sorry. But, they've been working the dog shit outta me, and I just needed a boost to help me function. I'm tired as fuck all the time. I could use a break anyway."

When she'd gotten over her initial shock and listened to his explanation, she completely understood. Since her return, she had worked every event, except the NXT shows.

She sat next to him and placed a comforting hand on his knee.

"Everything's gonna be OK, babe. You could use this time wisely and spend it with JoJo and your family."

"I'm really sorry, Doll."

"It's OK, Joe," she reassured, running her hand over the bare skin of his back. "So, when does this thing start?"

"My last show'll be Raw after MITB."

"Fuck me," she said with a sigh of disappointment. "Well, just look at it as a well-earned 30-day vacation," she added, trying to cheer him up.

"I would if I knew you'd be there with me."

"I just came back, babe. I'm sure the higher-ups won't allow it."

He sighed and laid back in the bed again.

"I know they won't," he said, slipping his hand underneath her shirt and rubbing the small of her back. "This blows."

"Aw baby. I'm really sorry," Val said again, looking back at him.

Joe softly laughed and shook his head.

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