Chapter 38

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Chapter 38


Unfortunately, for Val, just a day before her and Joe's scheduled return to the road, Joey decided that she should remain at home until she had fully recovered. His decision put her in a foul mood that quickly began to rub Joe the wrong way. He'd endured several hours of attitude that had to end now.

"Ya know, Val," he said, throwing several rolled up t-shirts into his rolling suitcase and sighing, "I've about had it with your pouting."

"I don't care, Joe. You know I don't wanna be here."

"Joey knows what he's doing, baby, so just give him a break, OK? You're really not in any condition to be traveling right now."

"I can do the job, Joe," she said, rolling her eyes and folding her arms over her chest.

Joe rested his hands on his hips and rolled his eyes right back at her.

"Are you mad because you wanna work, or are you mad because you can't be with me?"

"What does it matter? I can't fucking go anyway," she said, pulling the crutches from the side of the bed. Her sprain was worse than they both had suspected which had prompted a hospital visit the night of her accident, ultimately leading to the diagnosis of a torn ligament. It'd be at least six weeks before she could return to the road-news that she didn't take too kindly.

"Would you just chill for a sec?" he asked, reaching out to help her from the bed.

"I can do it myself," she snapped.

As soon as she raised herself from the bed, she stumbled and fell against Joe's chest. He wrapped his arms around her to help steady her onto the crutches.

"Fine job you're doing," he teased.

"I told you I don't need your help."

"Why are you being so pissy?" he asked, creasing his brow as his patience started to wear thin.

He watched her as she carried herself on the crutches to the bathroom.

"I'm not being pissy!" she yelled from behind the closed door.

Joe shook his head and walked over to the bathroom, leaning his forehead to the door.

"Come on, Val. I know you're frustrated, but you being mad isn't gonna get you any closer to going back to work. So, can we just be friends ... please?" he begged through the door.

The toilet flushed, followed by running water and silence from Val. Joe stayed posted in his position at the door until it finally swung open.

"I don't wanna be your friend. You're the reason I'm in this mess in the first place," she said, walking past him.

"Me? What did I do?" he innocently asked, holding up questioning hands as he turned to face her.

"Let's christen the kitchen," she mocked in his baritone voice.

"Hey, I didn't suggest you run down the stairs though," he replied, shrugging his shoulders. "That was your own fault."

"Leave me alone, Joe," she said, leaning back against the pillows.

"I will not," he retorted, placing her ankle on the pile of pillows he'd stacked for her. "And if you don't check yourself, I'm gonna kick your little ass."

"I hate you," Val said, frowning at him.

"Well, you're gonna hate me more when I tell you that your mother's coming to stay with you for awhile."

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