Chapter 23

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Chapter 22 Recap

"I don't want us to be over," she finally said, turning to face him.


"But, I want us to slow down until we're comfortable with people knowing about us. If our relationship is right, then we shouldn't have to hide it, and if you really love me like you say you do, then I'll know it sooner than later."

Joe nodded his head in agreement before starting the SUV's engine. He looked at Val once again.

"You'll see what I'm really about, and for what it's worth, I apologize for making you feel like this was all about sex, because it wasn't. But I know you gotta figure that out for yourself. Just know this. I'm not going anywhere, and I don't want anyone but you, alright?"


Joe laced her lips with a short, soft kiss and whispered, "I love you, Val" before driving off of the parking lot and heading to the rendezvous location for the twins' birthday get together.

Chapter 23

Wednesday Morning

Joe and JG's win at SummerSlam over Bray Wyatt and Luke Harper and Joe's grade A performances at Raw and Smackdown had Joe steadily becoming one of WWE's top rising stars. He was in a good place with his career, and even though Val wanted to slow things down between them, he already knew that she was the woman he wanted. As he packed his suitcases to ready himself for his flight home, he thought about a phone conversation he'd had with his mother, Patricia, earlier that week.


"So, how are things with you and Val?" she asked, wasting no time once pleasantries were exchanged.

"We're good. We had a talk."

"About?" Patricia urged.

"Ya know ... us. She's kinda scared about being hurt again. She had a pretty bad break up awhile ago."

"Who hasn't?" Patricia said. "You just went through a divorce. Bad break ups happen all the time."

"Yeah, I know. What she doesn't know is that my heart's out there on the line just as much as hers is. You know me."

"Yeah, son. I do. As a matter-of-fact, I don't think you've ever seriously used the 'in love' words before. Not even with Lina. It's not something you throw around too often."

"That's what I want her to understand, Mom. She thinks because I'm this big superstar that I wanna just go have sex with every woman I see. Yeah ... once upon a time when I was young and stupid, but now I just want something real."

"Well, Joe, I can kinda see her side, because you two haven't been a couple very long."

"That's true, but we've been friends for nearly a year. I mean, she knows more about me than anyone does, including you and Lina. I've been nothing but an open book to her for a reason," he said, zipping his suitcase.

"I understand, but let me ask you this. How do you know you're in love with her?"

Joe blew out a breath and began to smile when an image of Val popped into his head. Everything about her was perfect to him. She was funny, beautiful, smart, and ambitious-all qualities he admired in the opposite sex.

"And when I'm away from her," he continued, "I miss her like crazy. I mean, I literally would do anything for her, just so I know she's happy and taken care of. Honestly, mom, I can see myself with her for the rest of my life."

"Really?" Patricia asked with surprise.

"Yeah, yeah. She's perfect."

"And what if she loses that cute shape of hers?" Patricia teased.

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