Chapter 15

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A/N Here's Chapter 15. I included a short recap of Chapter 14 to refresh your memory of what happened last. Enjoy!


Chapter 14 Recap

"We gotta do things different, Joe," she finally said after collecting her thoughts. "I don't wanna be your rebound girl."

"You won't be, baby," he reassured.

"Then, you won't mind if we-"

"If we what?"

"If we start over, and get to really know each other as Single Joe and Single Val."

He leaned back into the sofa and blankly stared over at her, waiting for her to change her mind.

"What?" she finally asked.

"You're serious about this?"

"Yes, I'm serious. I gotta know that what we have between us is more than just sex."

"Then, I got no problem with that, doll, but there is one more thing I need to know."

"What's that?"

Joe sat up and swiped a hand over his face. His expression and how quickly his palm had started to sweat had Val just a bit concerned. He uneasily shifted in his seat and let out a deep breath. What he said next nearly made her choke on her own tongue.

"Baby, are you pregnant?"


Chapter 15

"Baby, are you pregnant?"

"What?" Val asked in disbelief.

"Are you pregnant?" Joe asked again. "I mean, that first time we weren't very careful at all, and I-"

"Joe, we only had unprotected sex that one time, and I got the morning after pill. No offense, big daddy, but I'm only twenty-six. I'm not trying to have any children right now."

"So, you're not pregnant?"

"No, I got on birth control three weeks ago. Why would you think that anyway?" Val asked, cocking her brow at him.

"'Cause you said you were sick back in Buffalo."

"Babe, that had nothing to do with me being pregnant. It had everything to do with that conversation you had with Lina."

"Val, I told you that I wanted to be with you."

"Yeah, but-"

Joe interrupted her rebuttal with a soft kiss, which she readily reciprocated. The fire between them instantly sparked, quickly igniting the passion that always burned between them whenever they were together.

Val felt Joe's hand slowly slide up her side and cup her breast. It was times like this that she would have to be strong enough to say "no."

"Joe, we're taking things slow," she reminded, lightly gasping when he gently bit her earlobe. She'd let it slip that it was one of her hotspots and it quickly became his point of attack whenever he wanted to make her give in to him.

"Not even just a little?" he asked against her ear, moving down to her neck.

"Am I gonna have to put you out?" she asked, slinking away from him and standing from the sofa.

"You'd do me like that?"

"If you can't behave, then yes."

"Baby, come on," he said, standing and gripping her waist. "You know this is real. I'm not playing games. I love you."

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