Chapter 1

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(T/o/j)- Type of Job

Woozi POV
(Y/n) and I have been married for 3 years now and it's been the happiest 3 years of my life. I even get to spend the rest of my life with someone I love other than (Y/n) and that would be Sang hee (Sang hee is the girl up above). Sang hee is two years old and loves animals. I think she gets it from (Y/n). I forgot to mention (Y/n) has a job! She got a job as a (t/o/j), I'm really happy for her but she's busy at times as well. We have two dogs, one of them is Max and the other one is a German Shepard puppy as well that's named Nana . (Y/n)'s at her job for a 48 hour shift right now, she's usually at home but at times it's just me, Sang hee, and the dogs. I don't mind though. "Appa!" Sang hee said, tugging on my shirt as I sat on the couch. "Hm?" I asked. "Pororo!" She sqeauled. I laughed, she's to cute. I love her so much. "Arraso." I told her as I turned on Pororo. I watched her as she sat in front of the T.V singing along to the theme song. I had a huge smile on my face when all of a sudden my phone rang. "Yeoboseyo?" I said into the phone. "Jihoon can we come over today! Remember we have today off!" Hoshi said through the phone. "Yeah why not. We're not doing anything anyways, it's only Sang hee, the dogs, and I." I told him. "Yay! We'll see you in about 10 minutes!" He said happily. "Okay bye." I said and hung up. Tomorrow I had to go back to work. We had to do some recordings and practice tomorrow, but I thought that maybe Sang hee could come with me. I pretty sure the manager wouldn't mind. I bet she'll have a blast over there.

-10 Minutes later-

When we got to Woozi's house we all waited until he opened the door and Sang hee came running towards us with a high pitched squeal. "Hi Sang hee!" We all said. She laughed and ran back into the house somewhere. "Hey guys!" Woozi said with a smile on his face. We all went in the living room to see Sang hee watching Pororo. We played with Sang hee while talking about our concert that was coming up soon. "You should let (Y/n), Sang hee and Dae Bak go!" THE8 said. "Yeah! I bet Sang hee would love it." Joshua said. "I don't might be to loud for her and I don't think (Y/n)'s going to be home." Jihoon said. "Just think about it! Please!?" Vernon asked. We all love Sang hee a lot. She's fun to be around and she makes everyone's day brighter. "So what do you guys want to do today?" Woozi asked. "Hm...I don't know... Do guys have anything in mind?" He asked. "Oh! How about we go around town and then go to the park?" Jun asked. "Yeah! That'd be a lot of fun." Wonwoo exclaimed. "Alright then let's go into town and then go to the park." Woozi said with a smile on his face. "Ya hear that Sang hee! We're going to the park!" Dino said happily picking Sang hee up while she laughed. "She's to cute!" Everyone screamed. "I can't take the cuteness!" Jeonghan said covering his face. We all laughed and got ready to head out.

-In town-

Hoshi POV
While we were in town we ate black bean noodles and ice cream. We were still in town right now and stopped by a store that had clothes, toys, shoes etc. "Pororo!" Sang hee said speeding off somewhere inside the store. "Yah! Sang hee!" S. Coups screamed as we all split up to find her. Woozi was panicking...well....we all were, but mostly woozi. "I didn't even know that had Pororo in this store!" Dino said. "I didn't know either....." Woozi said with a sigh. "Oh! I see her!" DK said, a little loudly. "Where!?" we all screamed in sync. We looked to where DK was pointing and saw Sang hee playing with a Pororo toy. We all sighed heavily, in relief and also because we got tired. "Sang hee, what did I say about running off?" Woozi said in a stern tone. She looked at him then at her hands. "Aw don't be mad at her.....she didn't mean to..." Jun said. "Don't let her cuteness fool you!" He told us. We all stood there pouting while Woozi told Sang hee not to run off. She's super sensitive and Woozi knows it but he has to deal with it. She cried a little....which broke all of our hearts but we soon went to the park and played with her which made her happy once more. After we played at the park for a while we headed home since it was getting late. We stayed at Woozi's house but not for long since we had to go back to the dorm. "Bye Sang hee." We all said waving and giving her a hug. "N-No" She whined pulling on S. Coups sleeve. "But we have to go back to our dorm." DK said in a sweet tone. She started to pout, looking at us with sad eyes. "Ah the cuteness is to much to handle!" Seungkwan exclaimed. "You'll see them tomorrow Sang hee, just wait a while." Woozi told her. She looked at him then back at us and let go of S . Coups sleeve. "We'll see you tomorrow Sang hee. Bye!" We all said as we left. "Bye bye!" She said waving her little hand towards us. I smiled, she's to cute and caring. She's just like (Y/n) but she's like Woozi too. At times she can be caring and cute and other times she can be Woozi is with his guitar. She even has a mini guitar that scares us to death because if she gets mad and that guitar is near her, there's no stoping her from hitting you at least once. Sometimes your lucky because Woozi will see her and she stops instantly, it's like nothing was even happening and we always sit there like one of us had just seen a ghost. The thing is, is that she has never once hit S. Coups. I think she has a little crush on him. Hehehe, even though she's 2 it's still cute. She's always shy around him and we all see the way she acts too.

I'm sorry posting the first chapter took so long! >~< I've been really busy and have been thinking of ideas. I hope you liked this chapter! I'll be updating soon! Promise! :) -Kirito109

Our life together (Woozi x reader) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now