Chapter 11

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(W/y/w) - where you work
Dino POV
After we put dry clothes on and got all of our stuff we left to go eat sushi. We sat in the car listening to music well actually big bang at first because Sang hee loves big bang to death. So we sat in the car singing Big Bang most of the time, but none of us really minded it. We danced around with Sang hee who laughed like crazy because we were acting really silly. When we got to the restaurant we all got out and went inside. A lot of people recognized us so one of the waiters let us sit in a private area where the other people (and our fans) couldn't bother us. "I'm so tired..." I mumbled almost falling asleep but Seungkwan whacked me in the back of the head. "What was that for?!" I asked surprised. "You were falling asleep so I woke you up." He told me with a smirk on his face. "I hate you." I glared at him for a minute. "Love you too buddy." He said, before looking to my left to see the waiter bringing our food. "Yeah! Food!" THE8 and I said in sync. Everyone laughed at us until they started eating too. The food was amazing! It was to die for...except I wouldn't really die for it....maybe. "This is awesome!" I said happily. Hoshi and THE8 were dancing in their seats while eating and I joined them, which made Sang hee laugh. "Kyeopta." We all said as she smiled. 'She's such a cute kid.' I thought.

S. Coups POV
While we were eating I was thinking about what (F/n) had told me a few days ago. About (Y/n) being pregnant. 'Has she told Jihoon yet? Probably not.' I thought with a sigh. Just then Sang hee kept saying 'Hong Hong Hong' over and over again. "Seungkwan why did you teach her that!?" Joshua asked, glaring at him. "It was all Vernon's idea!" He said pointing at Vernon. "What! Nuh uh! It was you! Don't your dare blame me!" He exclaimed. "Oh my god...." Wonwoo said quietly. "Don't say oh my god!" Joshua told him. "But you just said oh my god hyung..." Dino exclaimed. "Don't say it!" He told Dino. "Oh my god!" Sang hee said with a smile. Jihoon just looked at her and face palmed. "See now Sang hee is saying it!"Joshua exclaimed. "Let's switch to a different topic." Jihoon said. "Fine by me as long as they don't sa-" "oh my god!" I screamed as I checked my text message. I looked up from my phone to see everyone staring at me and Joshua throwing daggers at me. (A/n it's a metaphor btw). "Sorry I said that but Woozi you need to leave now! I just got a message from (F/n) that says (w/y/w) is on fire!" I whispered in his ear so Sang hee and the others wouldn't worry because Sang hee knows about fires and stuff and she hates it when we say Woozi or (Y/n) is hurt. Woozi's eyes widened before standing up really fast. "I've gotta go I'll see you guys back at the dorm.... Please take care of Sang hee tip I get back." He told us and then ran out of the building. (Y/n)'s work is about 15 minutes from here but when Woozi runs he can get there in about 10 or sometimes even 7 minutes. He's really fast.....not joking. "Why did he run out like that?" Everyone asked. "He forgot something and he had to go back and find it." I told them. Mostly everyone believed me but I'm guessing the few who didn't stopped talking since they probably thought it was something they didn't need to know about.

Woozi POV
'Please let her be okay. Please god let her be okay!' I thought as I came near (w/y/w). The whole building was on fire but I couldn't find (Y/n) anywhere. "There's still people in there!" I heard someone say. A few firefighters went in there but I was to worried about (Y/n) so I ran inside the building to find her. "Hey! Get back here!" I heard a man say but I didn't listen I was already inside the building that was burning down in front of my very eyes. "(Y/N)!" I screamed as smoke entered my mouth. I was coughing non stop but I had to find (Y/n). "(Y/- AH!" I screamed. A large piece of wood had fallen on my arm. I could feel my arm burning as I laid on the floor. I tried pushing it off my arm but it wouldn't budge. I finally decided to use my feet and it barley worked but I got out from underneath it. I held my arm and as I walked toward the back of the building I heard someone yelling help. It wasn't just anyone was (Y/n). I ran with all the strength I had and saw her in a corner surrounded by smoke and flames. "(Y/n)!" I screamed and started coughing. "O-oppa..." She said. I couldn't see well but I could see (Y/n) from where she was. I grabbed her hand when I got close and pulled her away from the smoke and flames. "Are you okay?" I asked knowing she probably wasn't. "I'm fine but I know someone who probably isn't." She told me. "Who? Are they still in here somewhere?" I asked as we ran to get out of the building. I could see the door that was about a few feet away. "I'm pregnant......" She said. I stood there in shock but soon heard a crack above me. I looked up to see a pillar about to fall. Right then and there my instincts kicked in to protect (Y/n) and I pushed her out of the building before she could get hurt. I tried to follow her but my leg got stuck in a hole. "JIHOON!" She screamed, i could see tears in her eyes. I smiled with all the strength I had and said four words before everything around me went black. "I love you (Y/n)." 

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