Chapter 22

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Sunni POV
Hyeri Unnie, Jieun Unnie, and I were all talking about (Y/n) Unnie and her husband before going on stage again. We all thought it was super cute but (Y/n) Unnie said to stop because we wouldn't stop waving to them outside. We all have a bias in Seventeen to though. Hyeri Unnie and Jieun Unnie both like S. Coups but I think Joshua is cute and seems nice...even though he is a bit younger than me. Like by one or two years I think. When we went on stage, we all got in our positions and stood there, then when the music started we started to dance and sing once more. We all had to look 'sexy' since that was the concept we had to go for. I didn't really mind but when I saw (Y/n) Unnie's husband, Woozi, he seemed like he didn't want anyone seeing her looking like that. I thought it was cute. I saw her daughter Sang hee cheering her on while Woozi just sat there with his mouth open. After a minute or two a girl had gone up to him and looked like she was flirting...'I hope something doesn't happen...' I thought.

(Y/n) POV
As we danced on stage I saw Jihoon with his mouth open. I smiled and giggles at that but no one heard me. But then I saw a girl go up to him and caress him cheek, flirting with him. 'He wouldn't cheat on me. I mean we're married...' I thought, but even when people are married, they still cheat on each other...don't they? When we had finished singing, everybody cheered once more and we all smiled, high giving each other in the process. We went back to the back of the stage, where we saw Seventeen, Sang hee, and Si Ahn. I didn't see Jihoon though. "Si Ahn! Sang hee!" The girls sqeauled holding them with smiles on their faces. I laughed and went to talk to the others for a minute. "You did really good (Y/n)!" They all said. "Thanks guys. Hey, S. Coups where'd Jihoon go?" I ask a bit worried, what if he was cheating on me. "I don't know, he left a few minutes before your performance was over saying he had to do something. But I have no clue, really." S. Coups said. "Oh." Now I was freaking out. What if he was cheating on me. He wouldn't do that...would he? "We've gotta go! We'll see you tomorrow okay (Y/n)?" Joshua said because he got a phone call from the manager. "Okay." I said with a small smile. "Bye!" "Bye!" And with that, they were gone. Now it was just me, the girls, and my kids. I walked over to them trying not to look worried but they could see right through me. "What's wrong Unnie?" Jieun asked. They all had worried looks on their faces. "Was it that Unnie who was with Woozi Oppa?" Sunni asked. I nodded my head. "What if he's cheating on me?" I asked. "I mean he didn't even pull away when she was really close to him...." I say as tears start to form in my eyes. "It'll be okay! I know he loves you! I've seen the way he looks at you! He even told me he loves you. He loves you and the kids." Hyeri told me trying to cheer me up. "T-thanks...." I say as I wipe a tear away. "Hey I'm gonna go get a drink. I'll be right back. Can you watch Sang hee and Si Ahn for a moment?" I ask. "Of course!" They say in sync with smiles. I walked of to go get a drink of water the was a few hallways down, and what I saw next, shattered my heart. I saw Jihoon...and the girl from earlier, kissing. On the lips, against the wall. I covered my mouth with my hands as tears fell from my eyes. Just then Jihoon pushed away from her and looked at me. His eyes went wide. The girl just looked at me with a small smile. "(Y-Y/n)?! It's not what it looks like! I sw-" I cute him off. " it looks like it to me....go stay with the members of Seventeen for all I care! Cheat on me if you want! I hate you! I don't want you near me or the kids! Go die Lee Jihoon!" I screamed and ran off crying. "Unnie what's wrong?!" Jieun and Sunni asked as Hyeri ran over. "I'm gonna go home. It seems he really did cheat on me..." I said and left with the kids. The girls said it may be a misunderstanding but I saw him, I saw it all. It didn't look like a misunderstanding one bit. I hate him.

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