Chapter 19

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Woozi POV
Everybody had already left and it was now only (Y/n), the dogs, the kids and I at home. Since (Y/n) wasn't feeling well I played with the kids, which was a bad idea because I let them draw with washable markers and we ended up drawing on each others faces. It was really funny though. I drew glasses on Sang hee's face and a uni brow on Si ahn's forehead. Hahaha I'm a bad dad....not. I laughed at the kids who faces were covered in drawings as well as mine. Mine was the worst though. I had scribbled all over my face. It was every color of the rainbow, no joke. Then we started coloring on the windows. "Mom's gonna be she's not feeling well that's means she can't hit us!" I said happily. "Yay!" Sang hee exclaimed. Si Ahn just made a high pitched sqeaul. "Si Ahn." I said with a smile on my face. He stopped drawing and looked at me. A smile formed on his face. "Your happy when I say your name huh?" I said with a laugh. The uni brow was still there so he looked cute but funny. Si Ahn just smiled and jumped before he started drawing again. Sang hee was drawing on the floor, which I didn't mind since I can clean it up since it's washable marker and we have wood floors. "What did you guys do?!" I knew that voice was (Y/n). ' I'm screwed....' I thought as I sat there for a moment with a look of terror on my face. "Sang hee save me!" I screamed as I sat her in front of me. "You can't hurt me now! You never hurt Sang hee!" I said with a smile. (Y/n) just looked at me before walking off into the kitchen. "Mommy's gonna spank you!" Sang hee told me in a cute tone. "No she isn't...." I said fast. Sang hee then grabbed a marker and drew on my face once more. "Now your gonna get in trouble ya little monster!" I said with a laugh. She laughed as well before going up to the dogs, probably about to draw on them. Just then (Y/n) came back into the living room. "Please don't kill me!" I screamed, closing my eyes waiting to get hit. Instead I felt a wipe touch my cheek. I opened my eyes to see (Y/n) cleaning the marker off my face. "You really are like a 3 year old. You know that?" She said. "Yes but I'm your three year old!" I told her with a smile on my face. She smiled at me and once she finished cleaning my face she handed me a wipe so we could clean the kids faces and the windows. "I love you." I told (Y/n) as we cleaned the windows. "I love you too shorty." She said. "Ya! That's not very nice!" I exclaimed. "Says the one who drew all over the kids faces and the Windows. It wasn't just me! It was Sang hee and Si Ahn too!" I whined.

-Time Skip-

(Y/n) POV
After we cleaned the house we decided to go eat and find something fun to do. We went and ate Korean bbq and then went to the store that was down the street to see what type of clothing they had for Si Ahn and Sang hee. "What about this for Si Ahn!" Jihoon said happily showing me a jacket that had little bear ears on it along with little eyes and a nose. "It's cute!" I said with a laugh. "I bet I could pull it off too." Jihoon said. "Uh huh sure thing." I said in a sarcastic tone. "Hey. I am very cute, well at least to you that is." He said thinking for a moment. "Yes you are cute but I'm pretty sure they don't have your size." I told him, rolling my eyes with a smile on my face. He just smiled and went back to looking at all the clothes.
After we found some clothes for Si Ahn and Sang hee, we brought them to the dog petting zoo since they love dogs. Si Ahn's still not to good at walking so I'll probably just hold him. We had bought him a panda outfit that made him look like a real panda. It's hood on the jacket thing had little ears and eyes and a nose. Sang hee got one that was a pig and off we went to see the dogs! Hopefully things go well....

A/n: Sorry I haven't updated in forever!! I've been having a hard time thinking of things and had a tone of homework and benchmarks this week! T-T so sorry you guys had to wait so long, sorry it's so short

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