Chapter 18

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(Y/n) POV
Our parents and the guys were coming over in a few hours so Jihoon and I were cleaning up the house while Si Ahn and Sang hee were taking a nap in our room. Right now we were in the living room trying to put the blankets we had on the floor back in our room but Nana, being Nana kept grabbing the blankets and making us trip and fall. "Nana come on! Max isn't like this so why are you?!" Jihoon asked her. I just laughed in helped him up. "Well one Nana's only a year old and Max over here is way older then that." I tell him. He just sighed and dusted himself off. Just then Jihoon looked at me with a smirk on his face. 'Oh no...this can't be good...' I thought. "Oh no! Gravity is increasing on me!" He says and falls on me. I try to hold him up by holding onto his hands since he was facing towards me, but I'm not that strong so it wasn't working that well. "No it's not!" I tell him in a high pitched voice. "It is too (Y/n)! The same thing happened yesterday." He told me, and before I knew it he was on top of me. "You crushing me!" I tell him. "That hurts my heart! I'm not that heavy." He said. "Well your heavier then me!" I said with a pout. He just smiled at me. "What? Can you please get off beca-" He cut me off by kissing me on the lips. "You could've just kissed me without squishing me, you know that right?" I whined. "I know but your too cute and I like teasing you." He said before kissing me again and then getting up, helping me up as well. "At least we got the whole house cleaned up." I said with a sigh because of how exhausted I was. I haven't been feeling to well either but maybe if I sleep I'll feel better...

Woozi POV
We finally cleaned the entire house so we had about an hour to relax until everyone got here. Right now (y/n) was sitting on the couch with her eyes closed but I knew she wasn't fully asleep yet. Max and Nana were outside and the kids were still asleep which was a good thing to me since I really felt like sleeping at this moment. I sat on the couch next to (Y/n) holding her tight. "Jagi~" I said, putting my head into the crook of her neck. "Hmm" was all she said. "I love you." I told her. "I love you too, you dork." I felt her head rest against my head. I could hear her softly breathing and I knew she had fallen asleep. I played with her hand as she slept but I soon fell asleep, holding her hand in mine.

-Time Skip-

Look how cute they are.
Awww I'm gonna take a photo!
No don't do that! Woozi Hyung would kill us with his guitar!
Should we wake them up?
I think Woozi is waking up....ah! He is! Run! Hide behind his mom!

I opened my eyes and looked to my side to see (Y/n) was still asleep. Then I looked around the rest of the house to see my mom and dad, (Y/n)'s mom, the guys, and Sang hee all up putting food on the table. 'I bet mom let them in...' I thought. I got up carefully and brought (Y/n) to our room so she could sleep a bit longer since she seemed really tired today and woke Si Ahn up so he could see everyone. "Come on Si Ahn lets go see everyone." I said with a smile, which made him smile as well. "Hi sweetheart." My mom said while hugging me. "Hi mom." I said with a yawn. "Happy birthday Si Ahn!" She said. I handed Si Ahn to my mom so I could go say hi to everyone. "Okay which one of you am I gonna kill." I said, only teasing the guys, but they didn't know I was. "I-it was Hoshi!" Dino screamed pointing at Hoshi. "What?! Nu uh! It was you too!" Hoshi said feeling betrayed. "I'm just kidding, I'm not gonna kill you. I'm too tired." I told them. "Yes! I have another day to live!" Hoshi said happily. "You two are idiots...." S. Could said to Dino and Hoshi. "I know but we're your idiots." Dino said. S. Coups just rolled his eyes. After about 30 minutes or so everyone started to eat so I went back to mine and (Y/n)'s room to wake her up. I walked in quietly and then sat by her in the bed. "Yeobo~" I sang lightly as I played with her hair. She looked up at me then closed her eyes again. "You gotta wake up silly. Everyone's here and we're about to eat." I told her. "I don't wanna...." She told me. "Are you sure? Everyone wants to see you." I told her, rubbing her back lightly. "I don't feel good...." She said in a small voice. "On a scale of 1 to 10 how would you rate your pain?" I say. "Really, your using Big Hero 6 on my right now?" She said with a sigh. "I'm just kidding but how bad do you feel?" I asked. "Bad..."she said in a quiet tone. "I'll be right back okay?" I said in a soft voice. "Okay." She said and I got up to go get the thermometer to check her temperature. "Is (Y/n) gonna come in here and eat?" My mom asked me as she got a napkin. "I don't think so. She says she doesn't feel good so I'm gonna check her temperature real quick." I told her. "I hope she feels better." She said. "I hope so too. I hate seeing her not feel well." I said. "That's because you love her and your a good husband." My mom told me. I just smiled and went to go check on (Y/n). "I'm back..." I whispered as I went and sat next to her once more. I checked her temperature and turns out she did have a fever. It was 100 exactly. "I'll let you rest for now okay?" I told her. "Okay....Oppa." She said quietly. "Hmm?" I asked. "I love you." She told me. I smiled and bent down kissing her on the forehead. "I love you too princess." I told her and then left so she could get some rest.

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