Chapter 34

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Jihoon's POV

"I can't believe you hurt her!"

"She's in so much pain because of you!"

"I don't even know why she gave you a second chance."

"Is she stupid? Why'd she even let you come back? All you're gonna do is get drunk again and hurt the kids?"

"Why would she love someone like you?"

"You deserved it when she left you."

"No, no, stop. Please...." I cried.

All I could hear was disappointment flowing through my mind. I felt my blood run cold and my body froze.

"I would've been there for her. I don't understand why she chose you in the first place."

"She should've left you when she had the chance."

"She doesn't love you Jihoon. She never did."

"Stop! You're supposed to be my friends! Why are you treating me this way."

They only looked at me with glares smothered across their faces, before disappearing into thin air.

"Jihoon. Jihoon wake-"

I sat up faster than I imagined, first looking at my surroundings, only to see that I was home, and in my bed.

I sighed but it came out shaky.

"Are you okay?" I looked over to my right and saw (Y/n) looking at me with concern written all over her face. "I-I'm fi-fine...."

My body was shaking uncontrollably and I had sweat dripping from my face.

"Obviously not. What happened? You don't have to tell me if you don't want too." She exclaimed wiping off tears that fell, that I didn't even know were there.

"I'd rather not...." I told her, knowing she'd understand but at the same time I feared for the worst.

"I understand." She yawned before talking once more. "Well it's only 3 in the morning so try getting some sleep, okay?"


Soon (Y/n) once again had her eyes closed but I knew she wasn't completely asleep.

"Babe?" I asked, getting closer to her and holding onto her.

"Huh?" I could tell she was looking at me, even though it was dark in the room.

"Do you love me?" I mumbled, tears forming at the thought of what I asked. "Of course I do!" She moved towards me, wrapping her arms around my torso.

"Lee Jihoon what makes you think I wouldn't?" She asked me, but it came out more stern than I think she intended it to.

"After everything that's happened, everything I put you through, I feel as if I'm drift ring away from you. I don't want to lose you (Y/n). I really am sorry for everything I did. I didn't mean to hurt you, or the kids. I just......I'm so sorry..." I replied, my face now buried into the side of her neck.

"I already forgave you and you know that. Look yes I understand I was hurt and I know you're sorry but if I didn't love you I wouldn't have even thought about having you come back after everything we've been through. You aren't drifting away from me so don't ever think that. If anything all of this just rings me closer to you. If I didn't love you we probably wouldn't even be married Jihoon. But you know what? I do love you. And only you. No one else. So please don't beat yourself up about any of this. I don't want you to feel this way anymore. I don't want to see you cry because of the past. I want you to be happy, because you've come so far and you overcame all these obstacles."

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