Chapter 29

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Woozi POV

I went to the bar after (Y/n) left trying to get rid of all the thoughts. I had put (Y/n)'s ring on a locket hoping she'd come back that night but she didn't. I don't know how much I drank but all I remember is seeing S.Coups walk in the building or at least I think it was S.Coups. "You shouldn't be here! What are you doing!?" He asked. "You're the one that shouldn't be here..." I tell him, pointing my finger in his direction but when i talk it doesn't come out right. "We're leaving." He says grabbing my wrist. "Who says I'm leaving with you!?" I yell. "Yah! Lee Jihoon, you're making a scene and I do." He tells me and drags me out of the bar. "Let go!" I screamed, almost tripping. "Ani. We're going to your house." He tells me harshly. I finally got out of his grip and pushed him away. "What makes you think i wanna go there!??! Huh!? She doesn't love me anymore! Why go back!?" I screamed at him, tears forming in my eyes. I looked at him waiting for an answer but he was silent. "Look I know you guys got into a fight but that doesn't mean you have to give up! She'd never stoped loving you she's just upset at you!" He exclaimed. "Then what about this?" I showed him her ring, well I tried. My arms felt weak along with my legs. "S-She gave i-it back...She d-doesn't l-love me a-anymore." I felt my legs fall beneath me and my eyes almost shut, but I felt a pair of arms wrap around me so I wouldn't fall. "She doesn't love me..." was the last thing I said before everything went black.

S. Coups POV

"He's hopeless." I say to myself as I put him into the car. Once we got to the dorm I got him out of the car and carried him inside. The others came up to me and of course Seungkwan had to be over dramatic and say he was dead which Dino and THE8 believed and started crying but Jeonghan told them Seungkwan was messing around and then THE8 and Dino started to hit Seungkwan. Which made Jeonghan have to stop the fight. "I'm gonna go put him in his bed, I'll be right back." I tell them. I went into his room and put him on the bed and then walked out and told the members what happened. "We need (Y/n) noona she'll know what to do." Dino said. "But she's mad at him. I don't think she wants to be the one to fix it this time." DK said. "She told me that she wanted him to figure out what he was going to do." Joshua said and everyone looked at him. "She told you everything!?" THE8 asked.  "Well I mean not to much but that's what she told me." He told us. "(Y/n) isn't playing around though. We've known her long enough to know she's serious. What if they really get divorced because of this?" Wonwoo says. "I'd divorce him if I was her." We all looked in Seungkwan's direction with an -are-you-serious- face. "What? It's true! I mean he drank everyday for a week, hurt us, hurt her, I mean what if he hurt Si Ahn and Sang hee next?!? The kids would be traumatized probably and might not go near him at all!" He stated. "You're right...." We all said thinking about everything. "We've got help them somehow." I looked at everyone and they nodded. "And fast."

-Time Skip-

(Y/n) POV

I'm still upset at Jihoon and nothing's  happened since the incident yesterday.  I decided to visit my friend from high school Yoonho, whose also known as Jaehyun from NCTU. I sighed as I drove to SM. My mom said she'd watch Sang hee and Si Ahn but Si Ahn cried when I was about to leave so I took him with me. Now he's sitting happily in his car seat singing the T. Rex song. "We're here." I say to myself. I get out of the car and get Si Ahn unbuckled, letting him walk instead of carrying him even though he'll complain in a few minutes. "Come on Si Ahn." I say taking his hand in mine. He smiled as we walked inside waving to anyone he saw. Just then I saw Jaehyun and he waved to me running over to where Si Ahn and I were. "Hey." He said hugging me. "I'm sorry about what happened with you and Jihoon but I'm sure he'll come around." Jaehyun say reassuringly. "I doubt it. But thanks anyways." I say with a sigh. "Samchon!" Si Ahn says with a smile raising his hands in the air. Jaehyun picked him up with a smile. "I'm an uncle? Im honored." He said dramatically. I just rolled my eyes and laughed. "Today's my day off you wanna go somewhere?" Jaehyun asked, holding Si Ahn in his arms. "I was hoping you'd say that." I sighed with a small smile. Jaehunv pat my head and told me to stop worrying and that Jihoon would be back before I knew it, but I still had my doubts. 

A/n: IM SO SORRY I HAVENT UPDATED IN FOREVER!! I hope you like the chapter even though it probably sucks because I rushed. :/ hope everyone has a great week!!

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