Chapter 23

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Woozi POV
It had been a week since the incident. I'm really upset and (Y/n) won't answer any of my calls. I had even cut myself that week as well, but no one knew because I would wear longs sleeves and it was normal for me to wear them. Everything that had happened was a mistake that night. The girl the came up to me while (Y/n) was singing had pushed me against a wall in the halls and kissed me, but she turned me around, looking like I was pinning her against the wall when (Y/n) came by and saw us. I tried to push her away, but the girl was to strong. I didn't even know who she was. She forced me. I had been blackmail by her. I still remember exactly what she said. "Go stay with the members of Seventeen for all I care! Cheat on me if you want! I hate you! I don't want you near me or the kids! Go die Lee Jihoon!" Those four words stayed stuck in my head that whole week. My heart get torn to bits everytime I thought about it. "Go die Lee Jihoon." Those were the words that killed me emotionally and physically. I felt like maybe I really should die. Maybe if I left she would be happy. I was sitting in the dorm at the moment against a wall not talking or wanting to make contact with anyone. "Go talk to her." I heard S. Coups say. I hadn't talk in days and haven't slept so I couldn't really speak and was exhausted. "She might be mad but if you try to talk to her in person, she may understand that it was a mistake." S. Coups said. I just nodded my head and he left. "Please don't try to hurt yourself.....We already thought we had lost you once. We don't want to actually lose you for real." He told me, and then he left. I decided to get up and got dressed and left in search for (Y/n). 'I hope she understands.' I think as I search every nook and cranny she may be.

(Y/n) POV
I haven't talked to Jihoon in a week and the kids have been asking where he is but all I say is, is that he's working and he'll be home in a few days. Which is a lie. I hate him. He can die for all I care. (F/n) was at the house taking care of them so I had a bit of free time. I walked around the streets near a flower field and stood there to clear my thoughts. "(Y/n)." I heard someone say, but not just anyone. It was Jihoon. He sounded like he hadn't spoken in days. His voice sounded raspy and sounded like he was miserable. I didn't reply and just stood there. I had missed hearing his voice but I was still upset at him. 'He cheated on me. He kissed another girl. He doesn't really love me.' I thought. "I don't want to talk to you." Is all I say. "Please. Just hear me out." This time his voice had cracked. I didn't turn around though. I felt like if I turned around, I wouldn't be able to handle what was in front of me. And not in a good way. I stayed silent and listened to him. "What happened that day was a misunderstanding! The girl that came up to me while you and the others were singing had pushed me against a wall in the halls and kissed me, but she turned me around, looking like I was pinning her against the wall when you came by and saw us. I tried to push her away, but the girl was to strong. I didn't even know who she was. She forced me (Y/n). She black mailed me! Look please believe me. I'd never cheat on you!" He told me, almost screaming. At this point it sounded like he was crying. "I love you and the kids so much. I-I.....I can't lose you." He said. "Why would I believe you. People who are married and aren't married can cheat on each other even if they did have kids together. Your no different." I told him turning around. He was crying. He had dark circles under his eyes and his hair looked messy. He looked paler then normal and completely exhausted, like he hadn't slept that whole week. That's when my heart broke. It was because of me he looked like this. It was because of me. It was all my fault. I loved him but I was upset. I never thought....he's go this far. He walked towards me. "Please...." He said shaking and landed on his knees looking at the ground. "I'm telling the truth." He said. "How am I suppose to believe you?" I said, tears in my eyes as well. "You love me don't you? I'd never mean to hurt you. Please believe me." He begged. I rose my hand in the air wanting to slap him, but I didn't. He didn't do anything. He didn't even flinch. "I forgive you..." I finally say. I still had a part in me that didn't believe him though. Even though I wanted too. "Thank you." He said with a small smile before falling to the ground. "J-Jihoon." I say. He didn't move. I started to panic. "Ya! Lee Jihoon! Stop playing around! I said I forgave you!" I yelled shaking him, but nothing happened.

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