Chapter 14

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(Y/n) POV

"Sang hee!~" Woozi said in a playful tone. I heard Sang hee headed our way and when she saw him she screamed. "Appa!" She screamed, but it soon turned into her crying. "Mianhae Sang hee......" He said picking her up and hugging her. "(Y/n)? Why is Sang hee crying? Did Nana trip her-" (F/n) didn't finish her sentence because now she was screaming and she ran off.  "Um...(F-f/n)......You okay?" I asked. "NO! I GOTTA CALL THE GUYS!!!!" (F/n) screamed coming back up to us. "WE ALL THOUGHT YOU DIED! WHERE WERE YOU! (Y/N) WENT CRAZY! WE THOUGHT SHE WAS GONN-" I cut her off with a death stare and she stopped talking. " it okay if I call the guys?" She asked. "Of course!" Jihoon said with a smile. "I'll be back!" (F/n) said and ran off. While I went to put the groceries up Jihoon was silent. I turned around to see him putting Si Ahn in a little pin with toys and stuff so he wouldn't hurt himself while Sang hee was with (F/n) talking to the guys. I turned back around and put the rest of the groceries up. "Jagi. What was (F/n) talking about earlier?" He asked in a concerned tone, putting his arms around my waist. "What do you mean?" I asked, I knew exactly what he was talking about. When he was gone I thought I was going to loose it. I would end up hurting one point it almost caused Si Ahn to die when he wasn't even born yet. I couldn't bear to tell him.....He'd be upset and worried about me, probably mad as well. "(F/n) was saying that she and the others thought that you were gonn-" I cut him off. "It's nothing. I promise." I told him. "If it isn't nothing then why did you cut me off?" He asked. I remembered everything so clearly though. As if it was just yesterday. I felt tears form in my eyes as I stood there not looking at him. "(Y-Y/n)? Why are you crying?" He asked turning me around looking at me worried. I just stood there not saying a word. "Jagi......" Was all he said before he pulled me into a hug. "I-I I changed when you were gone. I kept hurting myself and at one point it almost costed Si Ahn's life....and mine. I was hurt and lost without you. I tho-" Jihoon cut me off, kissing me on the lips. "It's okay (Y/n). I'm terribly sorry I left you and the kids. I'm sorry I caused you so much pain. I'm sorry for everything that went wrong. I forgive you. I know how hard it was without me around to help and be there for you. It was hard for me too. But everything's gotten better, I'm back and Si Ahn is healthy. That's all that matters. I just hope you can forgive me." He told me looking me in the eyes. "I forgive you too....." I said and hugged him tight.

Woozi POV

I didn't know I had left her in that much pain. I never thought....that she would've hurt herself or caused her and Si Ahn to almost die. I knew she needed me but I never thought, that she would've gone so far. 'Why didn't I just come back home in the beginning?' I thought to myself. I felt so guilty at the time and right now I'm praying the guys would forgive me as well. "ahhhh!" Si Ahn said hitting his hands on the floor. "What is it buddy?" I asked going over to him and picking him up. He smiled and started laughing. "Ah. So you just wanted me to come over here, huh?" I asked with a smile. He started making noises (like a baby would...) and smiling the whole time. "Is Si Ahn always this happy?" I asked (Y/n) as she walked into the living room. "Yep. He barley ever cries." She told me. "Wah~, Dae Bak!" I said with a smile. I handed him to (Y/n) and sat on the couch. "I called them and they don't believe me. They said I'm crazy so they are coming over to bring to the hospital." (F/n) said with a sigh. I laughed at that. "That's just like them." I said. "Yeah....Wait til they see you! Hehe! I'm not crazy at all!" (F/n) said. "That's not true. You are crazy." (Y/n) said. Just then I heard barking and saw Nana and Max come running towards me. "Oh no..." I said before getting attacked by Nana and Max. "Hi guys!" I said happily, petting them and they licked my face. "Ah! Guys that's enough!" I said laughing as I tried sitting up. "They missed you a lot too. They would always wait for you at the front door and over time I think they finally knew you weren't coming back and they stopped waiting by the door." (Y/n) told me. That was one more thing that made my heart break. Hearing that they dogs would wait for me, that (Y/n) had been hurting herself, that I wasn't with (Y/n) when Si Ahn was born, and that Sang Hee hadn't seen me in over a all broke my heart. It made me feel like such a bad person and it felt like so much guilt was built up in me I didn't know what to do. I felt like crying at that moment. My parents..............(Y/n)'s mom.....are they still here? "What about mom and dad?" I asked. "Your parents are healthy and so is my mom but your parents took it really hard. They were heartbroken and so was my mom." (Y/n) told me. "The guys were heartbroken as well and your fans were too. When they heard about it at the concert you were suppose to be at 2 days after we thought you were gone, the fans cried. The guys cried too. Seventeen wasn't the same without you." (F/n) said. "Seventeen is still together....right?" I asked in concern. "Seventeen? Seventeen is....." I was scared to know the answer.

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