Chapter 25

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-3 week later- (because I'm lazy :P)

Woozi POV
I was home with Daebak who had been whining all day. (Y/n) was at a photoshoot and wouldn't be home til late tonight, and Sang hee and (F/n) were out and about. I wasn't going to get frustrated because that would just make it worse, but after a while something scared me. He threw up, which he never really did but when he did throw up it shot out of his mouth while I was holding him. "Si Ahn?" I said a bit worried. He cried even more and his face was red. I was getting worried even more than I already was so I decided to bring him to the doctor. "It's going to be okay buddy. We're going to see why you're upset." I told him while I drove to the doctor. Once we got there I got him out of the car and we went inside. When we saw the doctor I sat down with Si Ahn who had calm down a bit. She asked me a few questions like has he had diarrhea or has he been vomiting or has he had a fever, etc. I told her the answers to her questions and she checked on him. "His stomach seems gassy. He doesn't have a fever though but it seems like he has the Norovirus, which is just another word for a stomach bug. She told me that it would last for 4 to 5 days and to be sure that (Y/n) and I watch him. Once I figured out what was wrong I left with Si Ahn and my worries slowly started to go away. On the way back to the house I told (Y/n) about what was wrong and she started to tear up. I told her that it wasn't her fault but she was worried. "It'll be fine honey. I've got it all under control. Don't worry okay?" I tell her, hoping that she'll be okay. "O-okay...." She says through the phone. I can tell she's crying. "Don't cry." I say in a soft tone. "I don't like it when you cry." I said a baby voice. She laughed a bit. "There's that laugh that I love to hear." I say as I walk in the house with Si Ahn. "Be careful okay." She tells. "Okay, and you too. Be safe, I love you." "I love you too." After that we hung up and I went into the living room with Sin Ahn who was crying because of his stomach. I held him walking around the living room trying to calm him down and let him fall asleep since that was the only thing I could really do for him. (F/n) just texted me saying she'd be home with Sang hee in about 30 or 40 minutes because of traffic. I texted back that it was fine and to stay safe. About 20 minutes later Si Ahn feel asleep in my arms and the house was quiet once more.

(Y/n) POV
Jihoon had called me and told me that Si Ahn was sick which made me a bit upset. I hate it when the kids or Jihoon is sick. It's always hard when one of us isn't there to help, I just hope he can make it through the night until I get home. "Are you okay Unnie?" Sunni asked. "I've fine but Si Ahn isn't. He's sick and I'm really worried about him." I tell her. "It'll be okay Unnie! I'm sure Woozi has it under control!" She said reassuringly. "I hope so." I say. Sometimes the kids could be a bit to much to handle when together. I sighed as we started the photoshoot once more.

-Time Skip-

I was on my way home from the photoshoot, even more tired than I was before but I was also still wondering about how Woozi and the kids were doing. I yawned as I pulled into the drive way of the house. 'I hope I don't wake them up.' I thought as I walked inside. Max and Nana looked at me but laid their heads back down knowing it was me. I looked in the living room and saw Woozi sleeping with Si Ahn and Sang her on the couch. I smiled as a wave of relief washed over me. I put my keys on the table quietly before picking Si Ahn up bringing him to his bed and then Sang hee. "Oppa." I say lightly shaking him. He stirs for a moment before his eyes open. "Huh? Oh hi Jagiya." He said with a smile as he rubs his eyes. "You stayed up late taking care of them didn't you?" I ask. "Yeah, but hey at least they went to sleep." He said with a smile still on his face. His hair was messed up but he still looked handsome. "How about you go lay in our room and I'll be in there in a bit." I tell him. "Arraseo." He says and gets up, walking to our room. I smiled and went into the kitchen getting a drink of water before going to bed.

Sorry for not updating in so long!! I've been busy with school and other things ^~^ I'll try to update over the weekend. I hope you like this chapter

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