Chapter 36

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(Y/n)'s POV

"Mommy! Can we get ice cream?" Sang Hee asked as she pointed to the ice cream stand that stood over by the grocery store.

"I don't see why not. Go get your brother and we'll get some." I told her, as she ran off screaming at Si Ahn to hurry up and get off the slide so they could get ice cream.

"Sang Hee don't bully him about it! Be nice!" I exclaimed, getting up and walking over to them. "Si Ahn do you want to go get some ice cream?" I asked, as his eyes lit up instantly.

"Yaaaaaaaaaayyyyy!" He screamed as he slid down the slide and walked over to us. "Yes. Ice cream!" He raised his hands in the air and laughed.

"Okay then let's go." I laughed and we walked over to the ice cream stand.

- Time Skip-

I was walking back into Pledis with Si Ann and Sang Hee when I got stopped by S. Coups who looked extremely worried. "Have you seen Jihoon anywhere?" He asked, concern filled his voice.

"No, I've been at the park with the kids. Why? What happened?" I asked, getting worried myself.

He sighed and messed with his hair, grabbing it as he sounded frustrated. "Can I talk to you in private. Not in front of the kids." He whispered and held my hand. "Kids go find Joshua and stay with the others for awhile okay?"

"Okay! Come on Si Ahn!" Sang Hee said happily and they both sped off to Seventeens practice room.

"What did you need to tell me?" I asked, getting scared. Did something happen to him? He just came back, he didn't leave me...right?

What if-

"(Y/n) he didn't leave you, don't worry about that." I sighed in relief and he pulled me towards a hallway that was a but far from seventeens practice room.

"Look, we, mainly me, we were all mad at Jihoon for leaving you and letting you get upset and feeling the way you did when he was gone so we yelled at him. We said things we shouldn't have said, that I know hurt him and we're truly sorry for it. We crossed the line and it wasn't even our say in what happened. It's your relationship not mine, and not any of seventeen's. I'm really sorry (Y/n).

We made him upset and he snapped the left. We made a mistake. I don't know where he went and he won't answer his phone at all. I didn't mean for this to happen I just....I hate how he left you just because of him being stressed.....he was being selfish - I shouldn't even say anything...(Y/n) I'm so sorry....."

I stood there in shock just listening to every word that came out of his mouth. He was so upset and not just because of the tears that streamed down his face, you could hear it in his voice and how sorry he actually was.

"S. Coups don't beat yourself up about it. It's okay. I appreciate you guys sticking up for me all the time and I love each and everyone of you, you know that. You all have the right to know about anything that may have happened or did. I'll go see if I can go find him. Make sure the kids don't steal seungkwans food again though." I laughed and wiped his tears away trying to lighten the mood.

He smiled a little bit. "Okay, I'll make sure nothing happens to them or Seungkwans food."

I smiled back and turned around about to leave and find Jihoon when S. Coups stopped me one last time.

"(Y/n) more thing.....could you close your eyes?"

"You're not gonna throw a spider at me like Jun did the other day are you?" I asked in fear.

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