Chapter 10

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Woozi POV

Today (Y/n) had to go back to work and (F/n) went with my mother in law....Okay that sounds weird. Anyways since the guys and I also have the day off we thought we might do something fun. Like I said Sang hee loves animals. So today I'm bringing her to swim with dolphins at the aquarium, the guys wanted to go to so they're coming as well. (A/n At least I think it's an aquarium.) Sang hee and I got ready at the house while the guys had gone back to the dorm to change and bring extra clothes. After Sang hee and I were done getting ready we headed over to the dorm since we were all going to go in the van. "You guys ready?" I asked as I walked inside the dorm. I wish I wouldn't have walked inside because they were going crazy. They had backpacks on...with extra clothes I'm hoping and....i don't even know. It was just utter chaos. "We're ready!" I heard Mingyu yell. "Mingyu? Where are you?" I asked trying to find him. "Over here!"I heard him say. I followed his voice and found him in the kitchen hiding. "Why are you hiding?" I asked. "Because they are going crazy and I don't want to die!" He told me. I sighed. "Just tell everyone to be outside in 10 minutes or else I'm leaving them." I told him. "Will do!" Mingyu said and headed out to tell everyone. Sang hee was with me and I could tell she was just as confused as I was. "Let's go to the car sweetie." I said, picking her up and taking her back to the car. I put her in her car seat and buckled her up while waiting for the others. They soon all came out in a rush and got into the car not wanting to be left behind. "Is this how it always is? We weren't this chaotic...." I said looking at everyone as we drove to the Aquarium. "It's gotten worse hyung!! I can't even find a sock!" Dino told me. "Well I can't seem to get any toothpaste! I have to beg and pay to get toothpaste 'cause you guys want the toothpast for yourselves!" Hoshi said.  We all laughed knowing it was true. We always begged each other and did something so we could get some toothpaste. When we got to the aquarium Sang hee was really excited and started hoping up and down as we walked to where the Dolphins were. "Sang hee looks like she just ate a bunch of candy and is on a sugar rush..." Dino said. "She's just excited Dino." S. Coups told him. "I knew that." He said but by the look on his face we could tell he didn't.

Hoshi POV
"You ready to see some Dolphins?" I aske THE8. "YEAH!" He shouted, jumping up and down. I bet there's going to be one that looks like Joshua." He told me. "I heard that!" Joshua yelled since he was in front of everyone. "You were suppose too!" He told him. "Hong Hong Hong!" Dino, Mingyu, and I said with a smile on our face. Then everyone else joined in. Joshua just looked at us and rolled his eyes. We finally got to the area where they had the Dolphins and we had to go change into wetsuits so all the guys went to the guys room even Sang hee. It was really weird so all of us hid so Sang hee wouldn't see us changing....not a good idea thought. The reason why, is because she kept chasing us! It was like we were playing tag. Woozi couldn't even catch her because she was so fast. We all screamed hiding anywhere we could but Woozi finally caught her so we were okay. Once we got changed into our wetsuits we went outside to meet the Dolphins. "Okay first everyone we are going to warm up by stretching our arms, legs, and wrists so we aren't stuff in the water." The instructor told us. She was really nice and after we stretched we finally got to go into the water! "Ah!" DK screamed. "It's so cold!" Jun said. He was's freezing...but I'm still going to touch a dolphin. "Hoshi hyung looks determined." I heard Dino say. I just sighed but soon we were all in the water. At first it was awkward since none of us had actually even been this close to a dolphin before and the Dolphins had no clue who we were, but we soon became close. We had a ton of fun and we even get to feed the Dolphins! "Eww! It's feels weird!!" Vernon said holding the fish. "AH! IT'S ALIVE!!!" Dino screamed. We looked at to him to see the fish flopping up and down in Dino's hands. He threw in the water as fast as lighting and stepped backwards with a disgusted look on his face. "AH! WAIT WAIT WAIT!" DK screamed. The fish he was holding went crazy as well. None of us knew what to do so the trainer helped us. The thing is, is that Sang hee did perfectly fine with giving the Dolphins the fish. I envy her. Even if she is two years old. Dino wouldn't even go near the bucket that the fish were in. "They're evil! Evil~" Dino hissed. I went up to him and tossed a fish, which hit him in the face. He stood there like he had just seen a ghost but he attacked me with a fish as well. "Ah! IM SORRY! IM SORRY" I screamed as he hit me multiple times. I pretty sure we killed the fish but it would've died anyways.....the Dolphins were going to eat it sooner or later. "Today's going to be a really long day...." S. Coups said with a sigh. "How about we get dried up and then go get something to eat?" Woozi asked. "Yeah! Food food food food!" Wonwoo said happily. So with that we all said our thank you's and headed to get dried up and changed into dry clothes.

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