Chapter 12

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Guys I cried writing this! I mean I literally cried my eyes out! It's not the end though!! It'll get better!! I promise! ;-;

*8 weeks later*

Woozi POV

It was pitch black and I couldn't see anything. Everything and everyone else was...gone. I couldn't see (Y/n) or Sang hee...I couldn't even see the guys. He's been in a coma for about 8 weeks. We don't know how much longer he will last ma'am. I heard a voice say. Then I heard sounded like (Y/n). I wish I could wake up and tell her that I was okay. That everything was going to be fine and that I can't wait to have another kid with her. I was happy we were going to have a bigger family and I wanted to tell Sang hee how much I love her and how much she means to me. At that moment I saw flashbacks of the times I've had with (Y/n), Sang hee, Seventeen, and our fans. I saw the first time we met, the first time I asked her out on a date, the day Sang hee was born, all the fun times Sang hee (Y/n) and I had, and the fire.The last thing I saw was (Y/n) saying I love you and Sang hee saying I love you daddy. After that I heard a beeping noise and then it went flat. At that moment I knew it was over. I knew I wouldn't be able to see my family or friends again, but not for long. Just for a little while. I knew I'd get to see them again soon. I'll be watching over them from now on....I'll be able to meet (Y/n)'s dad too. I'll be watching over our new child who won't be able to meet me as well. 'I love you (Y/n)...I love you Sang hee.....Please stay healthy and live a great life. I'll see you soon. Sang hee, one last thing sweetie. You'll always be daddy's little princess no matter what.' was the last thing I thought before I felt myself drift away.

(Y/n) POV

He won't last much longer ma'am. The doctor told me. I sat at the side of Jihoon's bed crying knowing he wouldn't wake up. Knowing he wouldn't get to see our child who isn't born yet and Sang hee again. What was I going to do without him? I felt as if my whole life had been taken away right then and there. 'Why couldn't it have been me God? Why couldn't Jihoon live instead of me?' I thought  as I cried endless tears. *ring* *ring* I looked at my phone to see S. Coups calling me. "Is he getting better?" He asked, in a concerned tone. Sang hee doesn't know he's at the hospital. She thinks he's at work. She wouldn't even understand since she's two. "N-no. They s-said.....they s-said he i-isn't going t-to last m-much longer." I said in a shaky tone as tears fell down my face. "We're on our way. Sang hee is with your mom." He told me. "Okay." I said and we hung up. My mom and Jihoon's parents already knew he was here and they were heartbroken but they haven't heard the news about Jihoon right now. About 5 minutes later the guys still weren't here but my nightmare became real. Jihoon's monitor started acting weird. I got scared and called the doctor into the room. "Bring her outside." He told the nurse. "W-wait what's going on?!" I asked in a loud tone but the nurse brought me outside. "What's going on please tell me." I said as tears fell from my eyes. "Just wait her for a minute." She told me and with that she went back into his room. After about another 10 minutes they came back out quietly. I stood up waiting to hear what they had to say. "I'm sorry but your husband....his time has come." The doctor said. I looked at them in disbelief. "N-no! That can't be true! He has to be alive!" I screamed as more tears formed in my eyes. "I'm sorry..." He said and walked off. I went inside Jihoon's room knowing I wouldn't get to hear his voice or see him anymore. "Yeobo....please wake up. I need you. YOU CAN'T BE DEAD!" I yelled, as my heart felt like it had been ripped out. Just then the guys came into the room, but they stopped dead in their tracks when they saw me. They looked at Jihoon then at me. I stood up and went towards them almost passing out. "H-he's gone...." I cried. S. Coups came up to me and comforted me by hugging me. 'He's not coming back......' I thought. I called my mom and told her the news along with Jihoon's mom and dad. None of them took it well. It broke my heart just telling them. I thought we were going to live a long life but I'm alone....I need him more than ever but he's not here. "Jihoon I need you. Please comeback." I whispered. 

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