Chapter 24

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(Y/n) POV
I had gone to the hospital because of what happened to Jihoon. I had also contacted the guys and they said they would be there as fast as they could. Which would take a bit because of practice. The doctor had said it was because of exhaustion and he didn't each much. He had also been cutting himself, but thankfully, the doctor said he would be okay and would be allowed to go home in a day or two. I sat in a chair next to where Jihoon was laying. " didn't have to do all that horrible stuff to yourself...." I say, holding his hand looking at him. He laid still with his eyes closed, as he was breathing slowly. "Oppa, I'm sorry that I caused you pain." I say to myself and look at the floor. I yawned not knowing that I had been extremely tired. I soon dosed off into my own little dream world.

-Time Skip-

Woozi POV
I woke up too feeling someone holding my hand. I looked over to see (Y/n) with her head on the bed and her sitting in a chair while holding my hand. There was a note next to her. We came to see you but looked like you guys should sleep and talk. Shoot us a text when you wake up! Love, Seventeen. I smiled and then looked at (Y/n) once again. 'That has to be uncomfortable.' I thought. I poked her on the cheek seeing if she would wake up, but she didn't. "(Y/n)~" I said in a soft tone, still poking her. She wouldn't budge. "Aigoo..." I said to myself with a sigh. I decided to let her sleep while I laid there thinking about everything that happened over the week. I still feel bad about everything and the girl who messed with me. I hate that (Y/n) had cried, and it was all my fault. After a while (Y/n) finally woke up and looked at me. She hugged me tight, not letting go. "I'm sorry for not hearing you out. This is all my fault." She said. I hugged back. "It's not your fault. It's mine. I should be the one apologizing." I told her. It felt good to hold her in my arms again. I missed her so much. We pulled away from the hug and I sat up and stretched. (Y/n) kept looking at me. "What?" I asked a bit confused. Did I have something on my face? " The doctor said you cut yourself, you haven't been sleeping, and you were exhausted. It was all because of me." She said looking at the floor. "Yeobo, I only did that because I felt like I 'had' too. I felt like you didn't want me anymore since you said for me to die. That's what I thought then." I said, looking down. "I-I'm sorry. I was f-frustrated that those words slipped out of my mouth." She exclaimed. "It's okay. Really..." I told her, but I knew she wouldn't believe me one bit. I knew she felt guilty. Just like I did when I left her for a year.

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