Chapter 20

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Woozi POV
When we got to the dog park there were so many different types of dogs. Sang hee got really excited and Si Ahn looked around at all the dogs and then looked at us. Since I was holding him, I put him down so he could walk. He started walking but held my hand so he wouldn't fall. "Puppies!" Sang hee sqeauled. She was pointing to a small group of puppies running around in a little area near us. "Should we go there?" I ask (Y/n). (Y/n) nodded with a smile on her face. I love that smile so much. When we got to the puppies Sang hee went with (Y/n) to go pet them and Si Ahn looked at them curiously since they we're running around more than Max and Nana do. "Come on buddy. Let's go see the puppies." I said as I carried him to where Sang hee and (Y/n) was. (Y/n) was smiling while she pet a puppy that was a collie I think. "He's so cute!" She said happily. "Pretty..." Sang hee said. She was smiling as well. "My girls are so beautiful." I told them, kissing (Y/n) on the cheek. She smiled and kissed me back. "PDA!" Sang hee said. We both looked at her for a moment. "Sang hee...where did you learn that from?" I asked. "Hyung." 'She doesn't have any older bro- wait a minute....' I thought. "Sang hee, which Hyung?" (Y/n) asked. "Dino Hyung." She said with a smile. 'I can't be mad at her when she smiles like that....she's got (Y/n) smile that kills me!! Why did she have to have her smile!!' I thought. "Okay, well next time you see Dino, go hit him on the arm and I'll give you a lollipop." I told her. "Okay!" She said happily. "That's my girl!" I said with a smile. "Ah!" Si Ahn started making random baby noises because he was excited. "Wae Wae Wae?" I asked a couple of times. He just smiled and started petting the puppy. "Aigoo..." Was all I could say with a sigh.

(Y/n) POV
'What am I gonna do with this man?' I think as I watch Sang hee and Si Ahn who is smiling at Jihoon. "So when are you gonna debut Jagi?" Jihoon asked. "Woozi!" Sang hee screamed. "Why'd you scream daddy's stage name Sang hee." I said with a small laugh. "Cause daddy makes you 'woozi'." She said with a small smile. Jihoon looked like he was about to go nuts. "We're debuting in a week or so. I have today off and then I have to practice a lot the rest of the yeah." I said with a sigh. "Well I bet you'll do great." He told me with a smile. "Thanks, but I'm pretty sure your not gonna like it." I told him. 'Well he might...' I thought. "And why would that be?" He asked. "You'll just have to see." I said teasingly. "Jagiya~" he whined. The reason why I didn't want to tell him was because its a sexy concept that we are debuting with, like AoA and Miss A sexy, and the outfits are...yeah what they call sexy so let's just see what happens when we debut. "Aw come on (Y/n)! Please tell me!!" He begged. "No." I said. He pouted but soon stopped because he saw a dog that I guess he thought was cute and he took off so I was left with Si Ahn and Sang Hee. "Where's daddy?" Sang hee asked, looking around. "He went to go find a puppy sweetie." I told her, while Si Ahn kept playing peek a boo with Sang hee and the dogs. He had a huge smile on his face as he pet the dogs. 'I love these kids so much. I don't know what I'd do with out them...' I though with a sigh and a smile on my face.

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