Chapter 9

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(I didn't know how to write what happened after my last chapter so yeah..I'm just gonna do a time skip ^^; and if it isn't this long after you check irl then whatever because I really don't know or care......^^;)
(Y/n) POV
It's been about 5 weeks? Maybe, I don't know since...ya know. Yeah. Right now I was with (F/n) dancing to VIXX Rock ur Body at my house because VIXX is hot and they are perfect! We were singing at the top of our lungs with no one around since the boys were at practice but Sang hee was asleep so we were kinda quiet but not really. She's a really sound sleeper to so we're fine. "ROCK YOUR BODY! ROCK ROCK YOUR BODY BODY!" We sang watching the music video on my TV. "N is so hot!" (F/n) said. "No Leo is hotter!" I told her. "N!" "Leo!" "N!" "LEO!" We argued about who was hotter back and forth. "LEO IS H-" "We can here you guys all the way outside!" I got cut off my Mingyu and the others who walked into the house. "Okay everyone one we need help." (F/n) said, while the TV was still blaring. "With?...." Joshua asked. "Who's hotter? Leo or N?!" We both said at the same time. They just stood there looking at us weird then sighed. "I don't think any of us can answer that." Jun said. "Ugh..." (F/n) groaned. "Leo's still way hotter than N." I said not looking at her but got flicked in the head. "That hurt." I whined. " That's what you get for saying that to my bias!" She told me. "Alright I guess I deserved that....not." I said, turning down the volume on the TV then turning it off. I sat down on the couch and so did (F/n), while the guys sprawled out everywhere and Jihoon sat by me. The guys started yawning like crazy and soon fell asleep. Even (F/n) fell asleep! I had Woozi's head on one of my shoulders and (F/n) was on the other one. 'How am I going to get up?' I thought. I got up as slow as I could and leaned Woozi against a pillow and made (F/n) lay on the couch or how ever much she had since Max was on the couch as well. I've been feeling sick lately and I think I know why put I'm not even paying attention. (F/n) said it could've been something I ate or it could be because of that. "Umma...." Sang hee said, rubbing her eyes as I woke her up from her nap. "You sleep to much you know that?" I said with a smile on my face. She laughed and looked at me. "Do you want to go to the park with Nana and Grandma?" I asked. She nodded her head with excitement. I called my mom and asked if she wanted to go to the park with Sang hee, Nana and I and she said sure. She only loves about 10-15 minutes down the road so I can see her when I want but it's just that I'm always busy.
-At the park-
When we got to the park Nana started to play with Sang hee while my mom and I talked. "So you've been having morning sickness right?" She asked. "Well morning sickness and at other times I just get sick but Jihoon never knows." I told her. "And how long has this been going on?" She asked. "Maybe 5 weeks? Maybe a little longer...I don't know. I never kept track." I said. "After a bit lets go to the store and get a pregnancy test and then we'll see." She told me. "MOM!" I said, a little to loud. "I'm not pregnant!" I told her. "Well to me it sounds like it." She said in a kind of sassy tone. I just looked at her and sighed. "Fine. Fine...we'll go to the store and get a test...thingy." I said. I've already had Sang hee but I don't even remember what happened when I finally knew I was pregnant with her. We stayed at the park for about 20 more minutes before going to the store and thank goodness dogs were allowed.

(F/n) POV
I woke up to see that all the guys were passed out so I got up to see if (Y/n) was with Sang he but they weren't there and neither was Nana. I decided to call her since I kinda got worried. "Yeoboseyo?" I heard her say. I sighed with relief. "You weren't at the house and neither was Sang hee or Nana so I got worried." I told her. "I'm sorry (F/n)! I went to the park with Nana, Sang hee, and my mom and now we're at the store because she thinks I'm pregnant." I stood there for a second before screaming, which made all the guys wake up except for Dino, Hoshi, and Woozi. "What's wrong!?" They all said. "Sorry! I'm on the phone I didn't mean to wake you up. You can go back to sleep." I said with a small smile. They just looked at me for a minute but then they went back to sleep. I went outside so I wouldn't wake them up again. "Are you serious?!" I screamed. " mom thinks I am but I keep telling her that I'm not!" She said. "Well you have been sick for like what? 5 weeks? Maybe even more! So it's a possibility." I told her. "I guess...." She said in a small voice. "Anyway we'll be home in about 10 minutes. My mom wanted to stay over for a while." She told me. "Okay! I haven't seen her in for ever anyways. See you in a bit!" I said, and we hung up. "But what if she is pregnant! I mean what would he say?" I said to myself. "Who's pregnant?" Someone said. I turned around to see S. Coups standing there confused. "You heard nothing! No one is pregnant! Go back to sleep! Why are you awake?!" I asked. "Um because I woke up and all I heard was that you said she might be pregnant...who?" He asked. "Can't tell you." I told him. "Pwease? Pwease tell Oppa!" He said, using agyeo. I stood there, about to die. 'I can't handle this...I've gotta tell him. Besides he won't tell anybody else.' I thought. "Okay fine! But your gonna flip out" I said. He smiled at me, "No I'm not." He said with a laugh. I rolled my eyes. "(Y/n)'s mom and I think (Y/n) is pregnant but she doesn't agree." I told him. "What?!" He screamed. "I told you that you were gonna flip out!" I said pointing at him. "Well of course I would! What is our manager going to say? She has to go through this agin?! Oh my god! Y-" "DON'T SAY OH MY GOD!" We heard Joshua yell. "She was crazy last time! She wouldn't stop cryin, eating kimbap, listening to Kpop and she kept calling Woozi Suga!" He told me. "Oh my gosh...." I said and started laughing. "I'm gonna call Woozi Suga now!" I said, waking inside to see that all the guys were awake. I walked up to Woozi with a smile on my face. "Wh- "HI SUGA!" I yelled. He looked at me like I was crazy. Everyone looked at him then at me and started laughing their butts off. 'I love my life.' I thought as Woozi looked confused but also mad.  "You did t just call him Suga...did you?" S. Coups asked. "Oh no. I did." I said, as S. Coups sighed. "He's gonna kill you ya know that right?" He told me. "Not if (Y/n)'s here." I said. Right when Woozi got up to kill me (Y/n), Sang hee, her mom, and Nana waked in. "(Y/N)! YOUR HUSBAND WANTS TO KILL ME HALP!" I screamed hiding behind her for the fun of it. I smirked looking at Woozi then sticking my tongue out. He did the say thing and then Sang hee copied him. "Unnie!" She said pulling on my pants. I squealed and picked her up. "He hear that Woozi I'm her sister! You gotta deal with me now!" I said in a sassy tone but he knew I was joking. He just rolled his eyes and shook his head. Sang hee has called me Unnie for a while now so I just go with it. "(F/n) come here." (Y/n) whispered going into the restroom. I followed her. "So do you really think your pregnant?" I asked as she locked then door. "I have no clue but I bought 10 just in case the others might be wrong." She told me. "Oh my gosh (Y/n)." I said with a laugh. Since there's two separate parts in the restroom she closed the door to one side and we closed the other door so no one could get in at the moment. (Y/n) was on one side and I was on the other side so I couldn't see her. She came back out after about 10 minutes while I was on my phone waiting and she looked at me in shock. "What? What's wrong?!" I asked. "They're......" She just stood there. I looked at all of them and they were...positive! "OH MY GOSH!!" I screamed. (Y/n) screamed to after a few minutes but then we heard Seungkwan say our names. "Are you guys okay?" He asked through the door since we locked it. "We're fine...." I said. "Okay then." He said. "Can you get (Y/n)'s mom please?" I asked. "Sure. I'll be right back." He told us. He came back a few minutes later and we let (Y/n)'s mom in and told her the news. Well she started crying and screamed as well. We laughed but I could tell (Y/n) was the happiest of all.

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