Chapter 6

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*Day of the Concert*

Seungkwan POV

Today was the day of the concert and right now we were in the van headed to the place where we were having the fan signing and concert at. All of Seventeen was in the van and so was (Y/n). Sang hee was with (F/n)....I'm pretty sure they are on their way to the concert as well. Anyways, right now Hoshi and I are filming in the van since we're bored and acting crazy...well actually everyone is. "Is it playing?" Hoshi asked looking to the front of the van. S. Coups and the manager were up front. S. Coups was in the passengers seat while our manager was driving. "Can you hear that sound?!" Dino said happily. "It's the sound of heading into hell!" Wonwoo screamed. Wonwoo and Jeonghan started laughing and Woozi kept screaming in a high pitched tone. "Woozi has transformed!" Vernon said. He didn't listen to him and kept screaming while everyone else kept getting louder as well. I turned the camera towards the front...just then the manager turned off the music. "No way!" S. Coups yelled. "Ahhhh wae?" and"What happened?" everyone said loudly. S. Coups sat there for a moment before turning it back on. "Whaaa!" We all screamed putting our hands in the air doing weird dances and bouncing up and down in our seats. We kept laughing loudly and the manager turned it off once again. "No way!" S. Coups said once again, along with Dino and Hoshi. We all sat there looking at the front of the car. He waited another moment and turned it back on. "WHOOO!!!!" Jun yelled. We all raised our hands int he air but not for long because our manager, once again....turned the music down. "Good job leader." DK said. "Our leader is doing the tourist bus dance to the rhythm of the trot song." Hoshi said holding a marker like it was a mic, I had one in my hand as well. "Our manager stopped it because he thinks showing this kind of image is not okay." I said as the camera was facing everyone else still. "What should we do?" THE8 whined. "I want to listen to the trot music again." S. Coups said. Hoshi laughed, "Our leader wants to dance and play the song even though he was told to stop." he said. "But I don't know where to push since it was put on hold." He said with a small laugh but desperate to listen to the music. I laughed at this. "But he doesn't know what to do since he doesn't understand machines." I said. "He put it on hold." Dino said. S. Coups reached his hand out and pushed a button. "OH!" He sqeauled with joy, turning the music up. "WHHOOOO!!!!" Everyone screamed with their hands once again in the air. Our hands were in the air for not only a second before the manager turned the music all the way down again. We all laughed, "These are the kind of guys Seventeen are." (Y/n) said looking at the camera. "This sucks." DK said. "Usually we listen to the song and keep on..OH!" S. Coups had turned the music back up and we all started dancing like the weird people we are. 

S. Coups POV

I turned the song back on which made everyone happy and dance like crazy people. Well, we are crazy so yeah...but right when I turned it on for over the 100th time!.....he turned the music down. 'Party pooper...' I thought. "Since the song keeps getting cut we can't do anything, but we usually play that song and play like this until we arrive.It's insane, right?" Seungkwan said into the camera. "Don't think of this kind of Seventeen as bad, but cute instead."Hoshi said, doing agyeo. At last the music came back on and everyone started going crazy once again. It's like we're happ and crazy when the song is on and when it's off its like everyone is thinking. 'what is life?' It gt turned off by our manager once more but I turned it back on and everytime his hand would go near it I would make sure the music would stay on and turn it up high. He got to it before me though about a minute later. "No way!" I said turning the music back on. "AYE YI YI YI YI!!!" Dino screamed. I started laughing like crazy because of their outburst but kept dancing anyways. Woozi and Jeonghan were laughing as well clapping like seals. "Aigoo." Jeonghan said. "Everyone, are you having fun?" I said into the camera. "We'll continue to show Seventeen's friendly images at concerts and through videos that we post!" Hoshi said, still holding the marker like a mic. "It's so funny I could die! Our manager keeps cutting it off." Mingyu said laughing like crazy. We finally arrived at the arena and we were all full of energy. We got out of the car screaming and dancing around like we were in the car, making total fools of ourselves...but none of us cared. We were just having fun like we always do. "You guys are so loud." (Y/n) said with a smile.  "Thank you." THE8 said in a sassy tone. "Oh my gosh Minghao." (Y/n) said pushing him slightly. "Oooh gurl it's going down! Dino hold my earrings." THE8 said. "Guitar?" Was all (Y/n) had to say before he stopped. "No no no guitar...I'm good." He said walking backwards slowly. "She's the girl version of Woozi hyung for a reason." Dino exclaimed. "Yah!" Woozi said looking at Dino. "IT WAS VERNON!" He screamed, poiting at Vernon who had no clue what was going on. "Wait what??!!" He yelled looking at everyone in confusion. "It's nothing, let's just get ready for the concert." Jeonghan said. We all walked into the arena and got ready for the concert that was in a couple of hours. "How are we so full of energy when we were in the car screaming and dancing like crazy?" Mingyu asked. "It's the power of the trot song." S. Coups said dramatically. "Oh my gosh not you to S. Coups..." (Y/n) said with a face palm. 'This is going to be a long day.' I thought with a smile on my face.

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