Chapter 32

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Hello everyone! I know it's been for ever since I updated, but here's a little something for everyone that has stuck by my side even when I wasn't on forever! I hope you guys like it! Let me know what you think in the comments and please keep the bad words to a very big minimum. Not a big fan of it. ^-^

Jihoon POV



"Jihoon! Where have you been mister. My daughter has been worried sick thinking that you'll leave her forever and she'd have to take care of the kids on her own!"

"I'm sorry Ms. (L/n). I really am, but I'll make it up to her. Today. I promise." I heard (Y/n)'s mom sigh on the other end. "I've giving you a chance Lee Jihoon. She's heartbroken without you. You better make it up to her or else." Her mom said sternly.

"I will." I hung up after she said good bye and went to find (Y/n). I asked her friends, neighbors, even her mom, but no one knew where she went, unless they didn't want me to know.

Before I went in search of her, I went to a flower shop near the grocery store and bought huge bouquet. I knew it wouldn't be enough but I had to find her. I wouldn't stop until she was in my arms.

The last people I hadn't called, my members.

They'd know, they had to know where she was.

Joshua's POV

*Ring* *Ring*


"Where is she?"

"Excuse me? Look right now isn't the time to be mad at me. You made this happen so don't come and beat me up about your wrong doings." I walked outside of (F/n)'s house with my phone held next to me ear and Jihoon yelling at the other end.

"Yes I understand that but I need to know where she is. I have to make it up to her Joshua. I-"

"You're late. She's thinking about sending them off. I-"

"W-what do you mean sending them off? No. No she can't do that I won't let her." I could hear his voice becoming shaky on the other end. "An orphanage. She asked her mom but she can't she got a job and her friend is busy since she's going over states soon and she won't be able to take care of them. She doesn't want them to grow up when she can't see them. So all she can do is bring them t-"

"DON'T!" I jumped a bit, my phone almost falling out of my because of how loud his voice had become. "D-don't say th-that w-word. Just don't....." His voice became quiet and that's when I knew he truly was upset.

He wasn't faking anything like (Y/n) thought he was. He loved them. We all knew it but (Y/n) lost hope, fast. "She's at (F/n)'s house. You better hurry, she's about to leave and it isn't going to be happy. She's taking them today."

"I'm on my way...." We hung up and that was it. If he didn't get here soon, everything would be over.

Nothing, and I mean nothing, would be the same ever again.

Not in this life.

Or the next.

(Y/N)'s POV

This was it.

This was the end and I'd never get to see my kids again because of how busy I'd be.

"It'll be okay (Y/n). I promise. Please trust me." Joshua told me, bringing me into a hug. "I'm sorry I brought you into this. This is all my fault Joshua. I should've never fallen for him or even married him."

"No! (Y/n) don't think like that! We're all glad you like him and have a family with him and I know you do too. I know he loves you (Y/n) he truly does, so please stop hurting yourself. It hurts me. It hurts all of us. It hurts your kids too. Even Jihoon, so please, Im begging you. Don't do this."

Tears ran down my face as I cried. I couldn't stop crying as I knew my whole life was over. I wouldn't see my kids, my husband, friends, no one anymore.

It was all over.


I looked up in the direction the voice appeared.

The one person I needed the most in the world. The one person who made me whole. The one whoIe loved more than anything.

Stood across the street from me, tears running down his face as well.

He was always the one.

I knew, that maybe things would get better.

But never, get your hopes up.  

Our life together (Woozi x reader) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now