Chapter 5

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Taemin POV

We all leaned in for the doctors reply. We were all about to cry, hoping he wasn't going to leave us. "He is going to live." The doctor said. Right when he said that we all started crying, not because we were sad but because Jonghyun was going to be alright. We were happy.The doctor had told us we could go see him and he left since he had other patients to tend to. We all had a group hug, crying like crazy. We soon went to go see Jonghyun who was in the bed with bandages all over him. We had bandages on us as well. "Jonghyun!" We all said happily going up to him and hugging him. "Hi." He said with a smile on his face. "We thought you were going to leave us." Key said. "I would never leave you guys. SHINee has to stick together no matter what. We're family." He said. This made me want to cry. Jonghyun was like a older brother to me, I'm glad he's alive though. I bet our manager is going to be upset though.....whoops.

Minho POV

Jonghyun has to stay in the hospital for a few days so we decided to go with Woozi to Pledis but on the way there Key and Onew were starting to get annoying. Key kept complaning about having a bandage around his head and that it was messing his hair up, while Onew kept talking about chicken and that he wanted chicken for dinner. "You guys are really annoying!" Taemin said, right before we entered Pledis entertaiment. "Well excuse me! My hair is all messed up!" Key said in an exaggerating tone. "No it's not it looks perfectly fine." Woozi said. We found Seventeen's practice room and went inside to see Sang hee dancing to Muzik by 4Minute . We all laughed because it was super cute, but we were also laughing because the guys were dancing with her while (Y/n) and (F/n) had popcorn watching them. "Oh! This is my jam! Count me in!" Key said and ran over to them dancing to it. The girls chocked on their popcorn while key danced to it. "Don't die!" Joshua said. "we're *cough* not *cough* dying!" (F/n) said. We walked inside and sat down with a sigh. "Hey g-wait where's Jonghyun?" (Y/n) asked in a worried tone. "HE DIDN'T DIE DID HE!?" (F/n) shouted tossing her popcorn onto the floor. "If you were going to do that you should've just given your popcorn to me!" Dino whined. (F/n) didn't pay attention but got closer. "HE DIDN'T DIE RIGHT!? TELL ME HE DIDN'T DIE!" She said cupping my face in her hands. "He didn't die...." I said. She let go of my cheeks and put a hand over her chest in relief. "Why do you like him?" Onew asked. "No I-" "Yeah he's her bias in SHINee." (Y/n) said cutting her off. We all had an evil look on our faces. "Why are you guys smiling like that?" She asked backing up. 'LET'S TAKE HER TO JONGHYUN HYUNG!" Taemin yelled. "YEAH!" Onew and Key screamed. They chased (F/n) around the room until she jumped on S. Coups back which surprised him, almost making him fall. "Why are you on my back?" S. Coups asked. "They wan't to take me to see Jonghyun." She said. "But you lo-" (F/n) covered his mouth with her hand. "Don't say it out loud!" She whispered/screamed. "What that you looove Jonghyun. No wait that you ADORE Jonghyun!" (Y/n) said teasing her. 

S. Coups POV

I heard a thud and screamed, which made everyone else scream, which made Sang hee confused and come running towards me. "Does she always do this?" I asked (Y/n). "Nah. Only to the people she loves." She told me. "Oh! If you put GD on the T.V. she'll drop whatever she has or whatever she's doing and start dancing in front of the T.V." She said."Watch." she said once more before putting Bang Bang Bang on a projection screen in the room. Right now she had a juice box in her hand, and she was right. Sang hee literally stopped everything she was doing, ran up to the T.V. and did everything GD was doing. "Watch what happens if we change it." Woozi said. They turned it off as we all watch Sang hee. She looked at the screen then back to where Woozi and (Y/n) were with wide eyes. "Umma! Appa!~" She whined jumping up and down. "Wait for it..." Woozi said. She went up to them holding onto Woozi's arm. "Back on! Back on!" She said, about to cry. "Who were you watching on T.V. Sang hee?" (Y/n) asked. "GD Oppa....." She whined. "Who do you love more GD or daddy." Sang hee responded as quick as lighting. "GD oppa!" She said. We just looked at her for a moment and so did Woozi. "Daddy!" She finally said and they turned it back on. "It's either that or she stars screaming like crazy until we turn it back on." (Y/n) said. "That's all I ever hear on the phone when i call him. It's always GD OPPA! GD OPPA!" Jun said imitating her voice. We all laughed. The manager says he hears it too. "He does! He always says GD? Who keeps saying GD? I have to tell him it's Sang hee, who is screaming at the top of her lungs because I paused the music." Woozi said. "I can so imagine that happening!" Joshua said laughing. We all talked for awhile before Onew, Taemin, Key and Minho had to leave. "Bye guys!" Taemin said as they left. "Thanks for everything you guys." (Y/n) said hugging each of them. "It was nothing." Minho told her. "We'll see you guys later!" Onew said and with that they left Pledis and headed back to SM Entertainment.

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