New school?

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Bonnie's POV
"Bonnie, wake up sweetheart", my mom whispered softly. I groaned quietly but slowly sat up. My mom opened the curtains, making me cover my eyes with the blanket. "You gotta get ready for school", I slowly uncovered my eyes, and gave her a fake smile. "I know mom", I got out of bed and stretched, running my hand through my tangled purple hair. My mom walked out, leaving me alone with my thoughts. I sighed and looked at myself in the mirror, purple hair and red eyes. Most people thought my hair was dyed, so I got a lot of shit for that. I grabbed my black skinny jeans and a white tshirt, along with my vans. I brushed out the mess upon my head, before pulling my hood over it. I could already hear the insults, but I brushed it off. I was used to it. I sighed and grabbed my bag, walking out of my room. Since it was just my mom and I, we don't live in a good part of town. We lived in a one story trailer, with 2 bedrooms. I walked into the small kitchen and grabbed a poptart, before giving my mom a kiss on the cheek. We have each other a small smile, before hugging. "It'll be different this time", she pulled down my hood and ruffled my hair. I blushed and pulled the hood back up,"I-I-I su-sure h-hope so", I smiled and she kisses my cheek again, before shooing me out the door. I walked to the bus stop, eating my pop tart along the way. Once I got there, I saw 2 teens standing there. One had light brown hair and the other had golden blonde. I slowly approached them, trying to stay quiet. The golden haired boy looked up, and smiled. "Hello!", he smiled and I gave him a slight smile. The brown haired boy looked me up and down, before looking away. "Oh, don't mind Freddy. He's just grumpy", the golden haired boy laughed while the other smacked the back of his head. "Shut up, goldilocks", Freddy taunted which made the golden haired boy pout. "It's Goldie, not goldilocks. Fredrick", Goldie smirked and Freddy looked pissed. "Ugh, just shut up", Freddy hissed which made Goldie smirk even more. "I win!", he cheered then turned his attention back to me. "Oh, I'm Goldie and this is my brother, Fredrick", he explained but Freddy shook his head. "Freddy", he corrected and Goldie pouted. "Anyways, what's your name?", Goldie asked and looked at me. "B-B-Bonnie..", I whispered, trying to keep my stutter to a minimum. Goldie smiled and nodded,"nice to meet you!" Freddy agreed, before pulling a water out of his bag. He took a few sips and put it back, before boarding the bus. I followed after Goldie, and looked around for a place to sit. I sighed and began walking to the back, when a voice called out,"Hey, a freak!" I looked down, but stayed silent and took a seat at the very back of the bus by myself. I looked out the dirty window, putting my headphones in and blasting Black Veil Brides.

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