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Bonnie's POV

I walked into the school, letting my hair cover my eyes. I didn't want to be here, at all. Not just because of Chic, but because Trap was transferring here. So, he's probably already in with the populars and gonna start bullying me again. I walked to my locker and opened it, screaming in pain when the door was shut on my fingers. "That was a shitty thing you had your friends do", Chic hissed and I held my, now bloodied, fingers. "I-I did-", she cut me off with a slap to the cheek. "Watch your back", she hissed and walked out, her blonde hair swaying behind her. "Bitch", I murmured and sighed, closing my locker and walked to the main floor, going to the nurses office. I was about to open the door, when I felt something wet hit my cheek. I wiped it off and looked at it. A spitball, are you serious? 'Immature fucks', I thought to myself and walked in. "Hello, Bonnie. What can I help you with?", the nurse asked and I showed her my fingers. I heard her sigh and she had me wash them with soap and water, then she put antibiotics on them along with band aids. "Chic again?", she asked and I nodded. She knew about my problem with Chic, she's even defended me from her. "Just ignore her, if it gets really bad then tell the principal. Okay?", I nodded again and thanked her, before walking out. "Welcome to hell", Chic hissed and I looked down, holding my tongue. Oh, how badly I wanted to tell her off. I walked past her, but got tripped, which resulted in my books getting strewn across the floor. "hey! Stop!", Angel hissed and Chic looked at her, smirking. "What are you gonna do about it?", she taunted and I got up. Here we go again..

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