Halloween Special! :D part 1

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Bonnie's POV (he was let out this morning XD)

I sighed and looked at myself in the mirror, Chica, Freddy, and Foxy had invited me to a party. I wasn't much of the party type, but my mom had told them yes when they asked. I fixed my makeup carefully, I had decided to be a vampire this year, since it was simple.
*knock knock*
"BONNIE, YOUR FRIENDS ARE HERE", my mom yelled and I sighed. Time to go, I guess.. I walked out of my room and looked at my friends. Chica was a cat (not slutty), Foxy was a pirate well, makes sense with the pirate accent and all, and Freddy was...what the fuck was Freddy? The look on my face must've given it away, because he chuckled. "I'm supposed to be a male stripper", he blushed lightly and rubbed the back of his neck. "Oh..", was all I said, before bursting into laughter. After a few moments, everyone joined in, even my mom. "Alright, let's get a few pictures yeah?", my mom said, waiting for the laughter to die down. "Sure!", Chica smiled and wrapped her left arm around my waist and her right arm around Foxy's shoulders. Freddy went to my right side and wrapped his arm around my shoulders carefully, almost as if I were a fragile piece of paper. "Move closer together", my mom instructed and everyone huddled closer. "One...two...three..cheese!", she smiled and took a few pictures, nearly blinding me with the flash. "Alright kids, have fun and be back by midnight", she kissed my cheek and walked outside to her car, probably to get the pictures developed. We all walked outside and I got in the backseat, nervously. I had what doctors call PTSD, or post traumatic stress disorder. Freddy climbed in the backseat next to me, buckling himself. "It'll be okay, Foxy's a good driver", he smiled and gave my shoulder a reassuring squeeze. I nodded slightly, before buckling myself in. Foxy and Chica got in the front seats, buckling themselves. "Okay, so the party is at my friend's place. She's super nice", Chica spoke and smiled, while Foxy began driving. "W-who's all g-gonna b-be there?..", I asked quietly and Freddy shrugged. "No idea, it's an open party so anyone can come", he replied and unbuckled himself, crawling forwards and turned on the radio. "Freddy, get your ass back in the seat before I make you", Chica giggled and he pouted. "I wanted the music on", he sat back down and re buckled himself, singing along to the music. Damn, he was good.

  "Just a small town girl
Livin' in a lonely world
She took the midnight train
Goin' anywhere
Just a city boy
Born and raised in South Detroit
He took the midnight train
Goin' anywhere

A singer in a smokey room
The smell of wine and cheap perfume
For a smile they can share the night
It goes on and on and on and on

Strangers waiting
Up and down the boulevard
Their shadows searching
In the night
Streetlight people
Livin' just to find emotion
Hidin' somewhere in the night

Workin' hard to get my fill
Everybody wants a thrill
Payin' anything to roll the dice
Just one more time
Some will win
Some will lose
Some were born to sing the blues
Oh, the movie never ends
It goes on and on and on and on

Strangers waiting
Up and down the boulevard
Their shadows searching
In the night
Streetlight people
Livin' just to find emotion
Hidin' somewhere in the night

[Instrumental interlude]

Don't stop believin'
Hold on to that feelin'
Streetlight people
Don't stop believin'
Hold on
Streetlight people
Don't stop believin'
Hold on to that feelin'
Streetlight people

By the end of the song, everyone was singing, including me. "Wow, you're amazing Bonnie!", Chica nearly screamed and the two others agreed. "We should sign up for the talent show!", Freddy exclaimed, making my ears go down slightly. "If ye don't want t' sing lad, ye' can play yer guitar!", Foxy smiled and parked in front of a huge mansion. "M-maybe..", I got out and looked around at all the guests. There were a few cats like Chica, a few ninjas, and a bunch of other costumes. There were even a few vampires! "Let's go in", Chica led us up the steps and opened the doors, alcohol instantly hitting my nose. This is not gonna go well..

Bella's POV

I looked around at all the party guests, before noticing Foxy. We had gotten to know each other during our ditch day, and he was pretty cool. I noticed he was with his friends, I think their names were Freddy, Chica, and Bonnie. That's weird..I only saw one girl, not two. Oh well. I walked over and smiled,"hey". Foxy looked at me and smiled,"Bella! Yer here", he hugged me softly before turning to his friends. "This is Freddy", he pointed to a guy dressed as....a stripper?! I giggled and nodded,"and this is Chica". He pointed to a girl dressed as a cat, at least she's not a slutty one! "And this is Bonnie", he pointed to a boy dressed as a vampire. Ohhhh, Bonnie's a boy! "Nice to meet you, I'm Bella!", I smiled and they all said hey. "So, do ye wanna git somethin' to drink lass?", Foxy asked and I nodded. "Sure", he took my hand softly making me blush lightly. "I'll meet up with you three later!", Foxy told his friends, before leading me through the sweaty bodies. "So, why'd you invite me?", I asked and he smiled. "I wanted t' hang with ye more", he spoke and grabbed two cups full of alcohol. Fuck it, one night can't hurt. I took the cup softly and took a few sips, ignoring the burn that scratched at my throat. "So, Mr.Pirate, who's party is this anyways?", I asked, giggling. "Well, I think lass' name is Ashley or somethin'", he shrugged and drank some of the brown liquid. "Oh, I see", I shrugged and looked around. People were making out in corners, some were dancing horribly and 'twerking' or whatever it was, and some were just hanging out. "Lass?", Foxy asked and when I turned to him, his lips were suddenly on mine. (ohhh shit, get some Bella!(;

Angel's POV

I was sitting on the steps by myself, I wasn't much of a party girl but I needed to make some more friends. I leaned against the banister, when someone tapped my shoulder. "Angel, right?", I immediately recognized the voice as Goldie's and smiled lightly, nodding. "Yep, that's me", I got up with his help and giggled. "Are you a drinker?", I shook my head and he smiled. "My kinda girl", he wrapped his arm around my waist softly, swaying with the music. "Do you wanna go watch people be idiots?", he asked and I giggled, nodding. "Sure", he smiled and walked up the steps, leaning over the banister. "Someone always tries to sing karaoke at these things", he chuckled and I nodded, smiling. "So, why are you here?", I asked and he shrugged. "My brother came so I decided to", he explained and laid his head on my shoulder softly. "Oh, I see", I smiled and let him, leaning my cheek on his head softly.
"Shit", Gold shot up and tried to grab the camera, making me giggle. "Gold, it's fine", I spoke up and he stopped. "Oh, I wasn't sure if you liked pictures being taken so I kinda flew into protective mode..", he rubbed the back of his neck and blushes, before grabbing my jaw softly and kissing me.

Jasper's POV

"These things are always stupid", I mumbled to myself and walked into the mansion. I already hated it, too many people. I grabbed a cup and took a few sips. "Jasper?..", a quiet voice spoke up and I looked to my left. "Oh, hey Jake", I smiled as he leaned against the wall. Now the party won't be TOTALLY boring. "I didn't think you'd show", I shrugged. "Decided to surprise bitches", I answered and he chuckles quietly. "I can tell, anyways do you wanna leave or?", he whispered and I almost didn't hear him. "if you want, I don't care much for parties", he smiled and took my hand softly in his, walking out. "Cool", he spoke softly and walked down the sidewalk. We continued walking for a bit before he stopped. "Uh..", was all he said before pushing me against a tree softly and kissing me.

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