Christmas eve update! :D

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Bonnie's POV

*A few days later*

I opened my eyes and the smell of baked goods immediately filled my nose. I glanced at the calendar, blinking away the sleep in my eyes. Christmas eve. Who the hell was baking though? I carefully wiggled my way out of Freddy's arms, careful not to disturb him. He groaned quietly and rolled over, pulling the blankets with him. I kissed his temple softly and smiled lightly, getting up. I quickly changed, brushing my purple hair and put on a hoodie. I heard Freddy stir slightly and I looked over at him. He slowly sat up and yawned, rubbing his eyes. "Time?", he mumbled and I glanced at my clock. "9", I answered and he jumped up. "9 PM?!", his eyes widened and I laughed, shaking my head. "N-no silly, morning", I kissed his cheek and he sighed in relief, rubbing a hand through his hair. "Thank go- that smells good", he got up and bolted downstairs, me in tow. I looked at Bella, Angel, Des, and even that girl that was hanging with Trap. "M-morning", I speak quietly and get a few "good mornings" or "mornings" back. I watched Angel grab an oven mitt and put it on, before grabbing a pan out of the oven. Cookies! I grab a cookie off one of the other pans. I take a bite and sit down, watching Bella accidentally burn herself on the pan. "Son of a bitch!", she hisses and ran her hand under cool water. Foxy got up and grabbed the first aid kit, did he stay here? I shrugged slightly to myself, taking another bite. He quickly dressed her wound, kissing her cheek softly. Are they dating? I dunno, I'll have to find out later. I finished my cookie, blushing lightly when Freddy kissed my head. "Okay, so I have interesting news", Des randomly spoke and all attention turned to her. We all gave her a questioning look and she sat down. "Someone here has been giving Doll and Mangle information. She messaged me and told me she knew about the plans. Why she told me she knows, I don't understand. But whoever is leaking information, better speak up now". We all looked at each other, occasionally giving another a glare or hard stare. "W-what if someone i-isn't leaking information and s-she just maybe h-has audio in here?", I spoke quietly and Bella shook her head. "How would she do that?", she asked and I shrugged slightly, thinking. "Well.. I had her here about 2 weeks ago..", Trap said quietly and all attention turned to him. "You what?!", BonBon screeched and he winced slightly at the sudden volume. "I had to talk to her, but iI don't think I left her alone", he hissed back and I rubbed my face. "E-everyone, look f-for audio d-devices or c-cameras", we all got up and began looking, even in the dumbest places. "FOUND ONE", Angel yelled from upstairs and I found an audio device behind the fridge. What a bitch. "M-ME TOO", I spoke quietly but loud enough for the others to hear. After an hour of searching, we found four cameras and sixteen audio devices. "We can call the cops for invading your privacy", the girl suggested and Trap shook his head. "Let Des and Bella take care of them. Angel can stay back, be their lookout", he answered and smashed all the devices with a hammer that someone left on the counter. "Look, let's not let this ruin our Christmas. Now she can't hear us and we'll just have to come up with a new plan is all", Freddy spoke and we all reluctantly agreed. Sure, I didn't want her to ruin my Christmas but who knows what she heard. I threw away the shattered remains of the audio devices/cameras. The girls began to cook again and the boys, including me, got up and began setting up the tree and putting up decorations. I put on some holiday music and began helping, when the door flung open. 

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