New students?

564 18 4

All in order of who belongs to who:)
Also, sorry I can't do hair very well yet so they look like shit xD

Jasper's POV
I walked into the double doors and looked around, crinkling my nose. Loud, bratty kids everywhere. I walked down the hallway and looked around, trying to find out where I was. I tucked my long, black hair behind my ear and sighed to myself. Another 9 months of this? No, thank you. I glared as a jock pushed past me, making my books go everywhere. I wanted to go after the jock, but if I did, I would be in huge shit with my parents. I was about to kneel down to grab my books, when I realized someone was already holding them out to me. "Oh, thanks", I mumbled and took them from the skinny teen. He had long, black hair that covered his eye along with a band shirt, skinny jeans, and converse. He smiled lightly, nodding before walking off. I quickly ran after him,"what's your name?" He looked at me and rubbed the back of his neck,"puppet..or Jake..but everyone calls me puppet.."
"Well, Jake, I'm Jasper", I smiled as he nodded. "Can you help me? I'm a bit lost", he nodded and grabbed my schedule, looking over it. "Your locker is this way", he spoke quietly and led me to the right. "So, what's Fazbear high like?", I asked and he shrugged. "Like your average high school, preps, nerds, jocks, loners, and me, the emo", he sighed quietly at the last part, making me frown. "There's nothing wrong with being 'emo' you know", I replied and he nodded slightly, before stopping at what I assumed, was my locker. He quickly undid the combo, making the door open. "Your first class is down the hall and the last door on the right, I gotta go..", and with that, he ran off.

Angel's POV
I walked into the noisy building, looking around. I smiled lightly to myself, happy to be in a public high school. I transferred from a private school, so this was a big change for me. I wasn't used to the noise, yet. I ignored the stares, I knew I looked "different" because of my dress and white hair, but I don't care. I'm happy with who I am! I walked down the hallway, walking past a bunch of girls with cheer uniforms on. "Hey! Fresh meat!", one called out and I just kept walking. They began to follow, but I just ignored them, not like they could touch me. Right? Wrong. One grabbed mydress, making me fall back. "Off to a wedding?", one teased and I shook my head. "No", I replied simply, making the head cheerleader upset. "Don't get smart with me", she hissed and went to hit me, when a hand stopped her. "Chic, that's no way to act", a golden haired boy scolded. "Fuck off, Gold", The one named Chic roared and he shook his head. "No, you're not hurting her. Now go, before I tell my father and get you expelled", he spoke and she ran off, her group following. He offered out a hand, which I took. He pulled me to my feet and brushed the dirt off my dress. "Sorry, she's kinda the 'queen' of the school", he explained and I nodded. "Thanks for helping, it could've gotten bad if you didn't help", he smiled and nodded,"need help finding your class?"  I nodded and handed him my schedule, glancing at the time. "Ah, we have home room together so follow me".

Bella's POV 
(Foxy's accent will come in and out, because I'm lazy)
I was sitting in the cafeteria, fucking around with my phone. I just transferred from home school, and I can already tell someone is gonna get murdered by today. People are already fucking with me and pissing me off, all because I'm new. I wanted to ditch, but had no one to ditch with. "Is some one sittin' 'ere lass?", I looked up and saw a boy with red, scruffy hair and a hook for a hand, he also had an eyepatch over his left eye. "No", I replied and he nodded, sitting next to me. "So, what's a pretty lass like you doin' in a place like this?", he asked and I shrugged. "Forced to be", he nodded and looked around. "Wanna ditch?", he asked and I smirked, getting up. "Hell yeah"
(Sorry it's short ;-;)

Bonnie's POV
"3 weeks"
My eyes widened and I rubbed my face,"oh m-my god.." My mom rubbed my back soothingly and Chica nodded. "Yeah..they said you weren't supposed to wake up..", Freddy spoke and I sighed, looking in the mirror at myself. Bruises, cuts, and marks littered my face, making me even uglier, if that's even possible. "An-and I ge-get to l-leave to-tomorrow?", I looked at my mom and she nodded. "Yes", she answered and I laid back down on my hospital bed. "Are you hungry?", Chica asked and I shook my head. "No", I looked at her and she nodded. "Double cheese and fries, along with a shake. Got it", and with that, she ran out. My mom smiled and kissed my head,"you've got good friends sweetheart".

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