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Bonnie's POV 

I held my stomach, trying to stop the blood. I looked at Vincent, who had a smirk plastered on his face. "Would you like to see your friends?", he muttered and I widened my eyes slightly, nodding slightly. He smirked and grabbed me by my hair, dragging me backstage. I yelped in pain, but allowed him to. I don't want him hurting my friends or I any further. IF he hurt my friends..

He let go of my hair once we got into a room, bolting the door shut. I glanced at my friends and boyfriend, shaking slightly in fear. They were bruised and bloodied, I couldn't even see a part of their skin that didn't have blood or bruises on it. "B-bonnie..", Freddy whispered and I slowly crawled over to him, still holding my stomach. 

"Y-yes?", I whispered back and he grabbed my free hand, squeezing very, very weakly. "W-what did he do t-to y-", he was cut off by Vincent kicking him in the face. "Shut up, both of you", he hissed and kicked me in the stomach, making me scream quietly in pain and tears fall down my cheeks. I looked up at the purple haired man, shaking slightly. 

"W-why a-are you do-doing this?..", I managed to mutter out, making him smirk again. That fucking smirk.. "Why? Because I want to", he twirled the knife between his fingers. 'He's been planning this..', I thought to myself and watched him walk over to Chica, picking her up by her hair and toss her onto a small table like a ragdoll. 

She winced slightly and slowly opened her eyes to look at me. Her once bright blue eyes were now dull, I knew she was close to taking her last breath. I looked at her apologetically, trying to get words out. The pain was now beginning to dull, which was a slight relief. But, something in my gut told me we weren't going to make it out of this alive. 

Vincent walked over to the table, holding the knife. Chica closed her eyes, probably getting ready for whatever was going to come her way. Apparently her closing her eyes pissed him off, because he dug the tip of the knife into her left eye. I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to block out her screams. It wasn't working. I heard Vincent laugh every few minutes, making me want to vomit. 'Sick Bastard', I hissed in my mind, shaking slightly. 

After about 5 minutes of listening to her screams, everything was dead silent. I slowly opened my eyes, instantly regretting it. He was stuffing her into the yellow chicken suit. I flinched at the sound of her bones breaking to fit into the wired suit. Once he was satisfied, he moved onto Goldie. He made deep gashes into Goldie's face, making him hiss in pain, but not much more. "Ugh, you're boring", Vincent muttered and grabbed the Gold suit, stuffing Goldie in, making Goldie scream as his bones broke.

Once he was finished with Goldie, he moved onto Foxy. Foxy slowly looked up at the sadistic killer, terrified. Vincent seemed to like that, because he made Foxy's death slow and extremely painful. He basically chopped Foxy up, taking his dismembered parts and put them in the suit. This took about 10 minutes, much slower than Chica and Goldie's deaths. He turned to Freddy and I, smirking once again. 

"Who shall I kill? Should I make you watch Freddy die? Or should I make Freddy watch you die? Decisions, decisions", he muttered and walked circles around Freddy and I. "I've decided", he grabbed Freddy by his blood soaked shirt, throwing him on the table forcefully. Freddy looked at me, his eyes filled with tears. "Oh, no need to look at him", he smirked and dug the knife into Freddy's right eye, popping it out. Freddy screamed loudly and pushed Vincent away hard, making Vincent stumble back.

"Oh you little fucking brat, you'll pay for that!", he hissed and walked back over to him, popping the other eye out as well. I whimpered and didn't dare to look away, I couldn't let him feel like he was alone in this. I promised him I'd stay with him through thick and thin, well I'm keeping that promise. No matter how bad it gets.. Vincent smirked and picked Freddy up by his hair, showing me Freddy's eyeless face. Blood was soaking his once perfect face.

"Beautiful, isn't he?", Vincent admired his 'work' and I glared, slowly crawling over to them. I should've done this a long time ago.. Maybe then my friends wouldn't be dead.. I crawled over to Vincent while he was distracted and used all my might to kick his leg. He hissed in pain and fell to the ground, glaring at me. Freddy slumped to the table, breathing slowly and lightly. Vincent glared, getting up, and grabbed duct tape, grabbing a chair and picked me up by my hair. 

"You get a front row seat", he smirked once again, taping me to the chair tightly. I thrashed in the chair, ignoring the pain from my stomach. Vincent picked up his knife once again and stabbed it into Freddy's throat, slashing it from ear to ear. I widened my eyes in horror, watching my boyfriend take his last breath. "YOU BASTARD!", I screamed and Vincent shrugged, stuffing Freddy into the brown bear suit. 

Once he finished, he turned to me and dragged the tip of the knife along my cheek. "Open your mouth", he ordered and I shook my head. He glared and grabbed my jaw tightly, forcing me to open my mouth. He forced the knife into my mouth and began cutting from the corner of my cheek to my ear, doing the same to the other side. (sorta like Jeff) He smirked at his work and looked at me, grabbing gasoline. Is he going to burn me alive?! He splashed the fluid into my eyes, then all over my face. I screamed in pain as the liquid hit my fresh wounds. He stopped splashing it onto me and smirked,"I was going to light you on fire, but the smell would make me gag"

I closed my eyes tightly, trying to get the burning to go away. I heard him fumble around with things, before hearing a gun get cocked. "Goodbye, worthless", he muttered and the last thing I heard was a gunshot. 

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