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Bonnie's POV

*a few weeks later* 

I walked into the Pizzeria, putting on my apron. The familiar scream of kids filled my ears, making me flinch slightly. I've begun to get used to it, but it still hurts. "Bonnie", Mr. Fazbear called and I walked over to him. "Yes?", I replied and he looked at me. "I need you to break Freddy in, he's decided to join the family business", he informed me and I tilted my head. 

"So now it's Chica, Foxy, Freddy, Goldie, and I working together" , I thought to myself and nodded at Mr. Fazbear. Freddy walked over and smiled at me, which I didn't return. He sighed and took my hand, letting me lead him to tables. "S-so, you're go-gonna be a w-waiter. Fr-from what I k-know", I told him and he nodded, listening to everything I had to say. 

"Alright, so I take orders?", he asked and I nodded. "B-basically", I replied and he nodded, grabbing a small notepad. We watched a family of 5 walk in, and I walked over, leading them to a table. "Wh-what can I g-get you?", I asked and wrote down what they wanted. I smiled (fakely) at them before bringing the order to the cooks. Freddy followed closely and watched,"that's it?"

I nodded and he nodded back, before walking over to a couple that had just walked in. I watched as he greeted them, before bringing them to a table. I began to watch him take their order, when my attention was brought to the stage. "Hey kids!", the brown bear said and all the kids ran to the stage. (I'm calling him a bear so no one gets confused when I say Freddy) 

  "I heard we have a birthday girl here! Where is she?", a girl in the front row squealed and raised her hand. The bear smiled and chuckled, getting offstage and walked over.  "What's your name?", he asked and looked the girl in the eye, smiling. "Y/N!", she answered and the bear smiled. 

 "Happy Birthday, Y/N! How old are you?", she smiled and looked at him, clearly excited. "Six!", he laughed and looked at her. "Wow, you're getting old!", he joked and the girl laughed, taking his paw in her hand.  "I wanna meet Foxy!", she told him and he smiled, nodding. "Sure, let's go meet our favorite pirate!", he smiled, before leading her over to pirates cove. I quickly followed, just to be sure nothing happened. 

   "Now kids, I'm gonna need your help! I need your help to bring Foxy out! I want you to yell Foxxxxyyyyy really loud okay?", he asked the kids and they all agreed in unison. "Alright on three! One...Two...Three! Foxxxxyyyyy!", the bear called out, the kids yelling it with him. "One more time kids! One..Two...Three! Foxxxxyyyyy" , they yelled again, before the curtains opened. I watched as the pirate fox and girl began talking, before he took her on stage. "Hey!", another worker, Jeremy, I think, ran over and took her off stage. 

This must've pissed off the fox, because all I heard was screaming after that. I pushed through the crowd of crying/screaming kids, widening my eyes in fear. Jeremy's head was currently in the fox's mouth, blood dripping onto the floor. 

"EVERYONE, PLEASE LEAVE! NOW!", Mr. Fazbear said over the intercom. Parents quickly got out of the shocked state and ran to their children, picking them up and running out. I shook my head slightly and ran over to Jeremy, making the pirate get his teeth out of the teens head. 

Freddy ran over and grabbed the first aid, taking care of Jeremy until the ambulance came. For someone that just got their head fucked up, he's still breathing. I watched Mr. Fazbear walk over and he knelt down, talking to Jeremy to keep him awake. 

I shook slightly and looked down at my hands, looking at the blood. Jeremy's blood. I walked to the kitchen and washed off my hands. To be honest, I've been nonchalant the entire time, which is weird for me.. Usually, I'd be flipping the fuck out.. I heard the kitchen door open and dried my hands on my pants. I turned around to see who had walked in, but before I could see, I was stabbed in the stomach. 

I dropped to my knees and held my stomach, trying to scream, but no sound would come out. I looked up at my attacker and widened my eyes, staring into his white ones. Vincent. 

Yo, homies. This story is coming to an end because I've lost motivation to continue on so I'm really sorry ;-;
Next chapter will be the last chapter probably <3 

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