Halloween Special! Part 2!

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6 days after Halloween lmfao)

Bonnie's POV
This isn't gonna go well..I sighed and took a cup, I suppose one or two drinks won't hurt me..I took a sip, wincing at the burning sensation. "You okay?", Freddy asked and I smiled slightly/fakely, nodding. "Y-yes", I whispered and he nodded slightly, but I don't think he believed me. "Alright..", he spoke and sipped more of the clear liquid in his cup. "I-I ne-need fresh a-air..", I whispered, before setting down my cup and walking outside. I leaned on the railing and looked up at starry sky. I sighed quietly to myself, I just wanted to be accepted. Why is everyone so judgmental? Best years of my life? Ha, that's a joke. These are my worst years, being made fun of everyone. Well..not everyone.."Bonnie", I heard and snapped back into reality. "B-BonBon?...", I whispered and looked at my older cousin. "The one and only", he winked and laughed at his own joke. "So, any cute girls here?", he asked and I looked at him, shrugging slightly. "I-I suppose..", I forgot he didn't know I was gay.. He thinks I'm bi.."Well, I'm sure you're curious as to why I'm here", he spoke and I nodded. Why was he here? "Your mom had a job offered, but it's in a few states over so she had to leave. Trap, S.B, and I are watching you until she gets back", he explained and I grabbed at my clothes nervously. Trap and S.B are my worst nightmares, I can't.. "O-oh..I s-see..", I whispered and looked down. They bullied me for my sexuality and my stuttering, who knows when my mom will return..I have to call her.. I grabbed my phone but a hand stopped me. "Long time, no see", Trap smirked and put my phone in his pocket. Bonbon just ignored it and wandered off. Typical. He never noticed..or just didn't care.."H-h-hey T-Trap..", I whispered and winced as he poked my cheek. "Still scrawny I see", he spoke and I looked down, ashamed. My cousins were all built and extremely good looking, and I was the...runt. "Leave him alone!", a voice called out and a girl with black hair ran over. Trap smirked and turned his attention to her,"ah, Ashley. Good to see you", I quickly bolted back into the mansion, not thanking the girl. I pushed past people, scared half to death about what Trap is gonna do later. "Bonnie!", Freddy called out, but I kept running. I have to get out of there. I began breathing heavily and turned a corner, hiding in an alley. "Bonnie!", Freddy called out, walking past my hiding spot. I thought I was in the clear, but he suddenly walked down the alley. "Bonnie, I know you're here. Please come out", he spoke softly and waited at the entrance of the alley. I slowly got up and he walked over, hugging me tightly. "Don't scare me anymore.."

Bonbon's POV
I was talking to Bonnie, when a girl caught my eye. She was beautiful..brown hair and eyes, sorta resembling a rich chocolate. I walked over and smiled,"hey". She glanced at me and smiled lightly,"hello". I purposely stretched so she could see part of my abs, since that usually got the girls but she was different. She didn't care. She looked away and stirred her drink with her finger softly, making me smirk. Playing hard to get? "Would you care to tell me your name?", I asked and she continued, shrugging lightly. "Lexi, you are?" "BonBon or Bon, but you Lexi, can call me anything you'd like", I winked and she looked at me. "Is that the best you have?", she asked, making me raise an eyebrow. Feisty, I like it. "Nope, I could always...", I didn't finish my sentence because I heard arguing. "What's going on?", Lexi spoke to no one in particular, making me pick her up by her waist softly, so she could "see better". "It's some dirty blonde haired boy and a chick with black hair", she informed me and I set her down. "Probably my cousin, he's infamous for arguing and fighting", I told her and wrapped my arm around her waist softly. She rolled her eyes, but left my arm there. "I know you like it"
"Like what?"
"Being hit on", I answered and she blushed. "No, actually I don't".
"But you're blushing", I smirked and ran my fingertips over her cheeks. "Shut the hell up".

Part 3 (the finale) should be out soon! Hope y'all liked it!:)
Please give me ideas, you will be credited for them! C:
Lexi belongs to @TakunakiChan
-Homicidal Ashley-

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