Later christmas update XD (b and f)

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Another Christmas update bc ayeee (b and f means Bonnie and Freddy chapter)

Bonnie's POV

"Merry Christmas", he spoke softly and I blushed, covering my face with my sleeves. I heard my mom giggle and blushed harder, I didn't need her to embarrass me. "Let's do gifts!", Ashley chirped and I uncovered my face. Everyone was grabbing their gifts and handing them out. Everyone except Trap and mom handed me a gift, but I wasn't expecting Trap to. He's sort of a prick. I opened my gifts, leaving Freddy's for last. I picked up the gift he had carefully wrapped, even put a bow on it! I carefully ripped the paper, opening the box. There was a small envelope in it, and I picked it up. I opened it carefully and grabbed the picture he had put in there. It was our first picture we had taken together (up above, it's also one of those electronic photo thingys). I smiled and held it to my chest. "There's more", he smiled and I reached back in the envelope. I pulled out two pieces of paper, looking at them before screaming in excitement. He got me BVB VIP concert tickets! I hugged him tightly and he hugged back, spinning me softly. "Th-these must h-have cost a f-fortune!", I screeched and he smiled, shrugging. "I knew they're your favorite, I wanted to do something special", he replied and kissed my cheek. I held onto him, squealing. I'm sure I looked like a kid who was given all the candy in the world, but oh well, I was excited! "They're coming up tomorrow, so get packed. We'll stay at a hotel overnight and tomorrow night", he told me and I squealed, letting go and running up the steps. I ran into my room and packed for tonight, tomorrow, and tomorrow night, excitedly. Freddy walked in after a few moments, smiling. He watched as I threw things into my bag, humming "all your hate" to myself. He watched confused and I laughed quietly,"it's b-by black v-veil brides, Freddy". "Pft, I knew that", he mumbled and I smiled,"su-sure you d-did". I picked up my bag and Freddy smiled, leading me downstairs. My mom walked over and hugged both of us,"be safe. I don't want a repeat of last month..". Memories of the crash came back into my mind, but I pushed them away. That won't happen again, now that it's just Freddy and I. No distractions. "We will, Mrs. Brooks", Freddy assured her and she nodded, kissing my head. "I'll see you boys in two days", she spoke and Freddy and I went outside, I put my bags in the trunk alongside his. He opened my door for me and I laughed, bowing jokingly. He laughed and helped me in, closing my door before getting in.
*after the boring drive that consisted of talking*
I got out of the car, grabbing Freddy and I's bags. He grabbed the bags from me and walked inside, before I could grab them back. "Hey!", I pouted and he smiled. "Hay is for horses, Bonnie", he joked and I huffed. He's so mean to me sometimes. He got a standard room for us, but I began blushing when they told us that it was a one bed room. "That's fine", Freddy spoke and walked up the steps, me in tow.
*time skip to tomorrow bc nothing interesting happened except them swimming*
I opened my eyes and yawned, rolling over. I expected to feel Freddy's warmth, but all I got was more bed. "F-Freddy?", I called out and heard a chuckle. "In the shower, be out in a bit", he called back and I got up. I got dressed and brushed my hair, deciding to call my mom. I dialed her number and she picked up almost immediately. "Bonnie!", she yelled into the phone, making me flinch. "H-hey mom", I spoke softly and I could tell she was smiling. "I'm glad you're safe, I was worried about you. You didn't call last night", she spoke and I chuckled quietly. "S-sorry, I w-was tired", I told her and she giggled. "Have fun at your concert sweetheart, I've gotta go", we said our goodbyes and I hung up. Freddy came out of the bathroom, with just a towel around his waist. I blushed and covered my eyes, while he laughed. "It's fine, don't worry. You're gonna see sooner or later", he told me and I heard bag zippers opening and closing. "Okay, done", he spoke after a few minutes. I uncovered my eyes and he was dressed, brushing his hair. I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth, Freddy doing the same once I finished. "The concert is tonight, but it's about an hour drive from here so we'll leave around 4", he told me and I nodded, smiling to myself. "P-perfect", I kissed his cheek softly and he smiled. "Oh, I think you know since they're VIP, you get to meet them", he told me and I squealed, nodding. "I k-know! I'm so e-excited!", I nearly screeched and he laughed at my enthusiasm.
*time skip to concert bc this chapter is long as fuck*
I stood in the front row, singing along loudly with every song. They were currently playing my favorite song, which was fallen angels. Freddy was mumbling words, I don't think he knows the band at all. That was the last song they played, before they walked backstage. I followed Freddy backstage, where we showed our passes. "Go ahead", the security guard told us, and we walked in. All attention was turned to us and I hid behind Freddy. He chuckled and grabbed my hand, pulling me next to him. "Nice to meet you!", Andy spoke and I squealed quietly, trying to contain my excitement. "H-hi", I spoke softly and Andy smiled. "What's your guys names? I think you know us", he joked and I laughed quietly. "This is Bonnie and I'm Freddy", Freddy told him and he smiled. He probably thought my name was girly. Oh god.. "I like your name, it's unique", Ashley spoke and smiled, hugging us softly. I guess my expression gave it away.
*after meeting the band and driving to the hotel*
I clutched my signed poster, squealing to myself. "I'm glad you liked it", Freddy smiled and I nodded quickly. "I-it was a l-lot of fun!", I replied and yawned quietly. Freddy took my poster and set it next to the bags. "Get some sleep", he told me and undressed, laying next to me. I cuddled to his chest and closed my eyes, falling asleep to the sound of his heart beating.

(Idk bro, I was bored last night and tired and I wrote half this chapter so that's why it's up now XD lemme know what you think and please leave ideas/questions in the comments. If you'd like your OC to be included, please message me!)

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