Fun at the arcade (finale)

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*casually drops chapter* have at it

Bonnie's POV
What the hell was shadow doing here?! I sighed silently to myself and sat down, taking my slushie from Freddy softly. He gently wrapped his arm around my shoulder, making my cheeks heat up. I shouldn't be thinking about Shadow right now, I should be focused on my night with Freddy. I smiled lightly to myself and scooted over to him slightly, and he put up the arm rest so I could move even closer. I leaned my head on his shoulder softly, cuddling his side. I smiled to myself, when a piece of popcorn hit the back of my head. I didn't even need to turn around to know who it was, but I just ignored it.

Des' POV

I glared at Shadow, smacking the back of his head softly. "Don't do that", I whispered and he chuckled quietly. "chill, he's my cousin", he whispered back and I rolled my eyes. Cousin or not, he shouldn't pick on him. "Leave him alone or I'm leaving", I whispered to him and he groaned. "Fine", he mumbled and I nodded, leaning back in my seat. I was watching the movie, when Shadow did the cliché yawn and put his arm around me. I just rolled my eyes and focused on the screen, eating my candy. About halfway through the movie, Shadow got up. "I'll be right back, I gotta go to the bathroom", he told me quietly and walked out of the theater.

Tyler's POV

I was waiting outside for Shadow, leaning against the wall. I had to tell him something. He walked outside and looked at me,"hurry up, I have a girl waiting", he hissed and I flipped him off. "Tell me how I can get Chica to like me", I demanded and he shrugged. "Just be yourself I guess or grow a pair and talk to her", he told me and I groaned. "I've tried both of those, she seems uninterested", I hissed and he put his hands up. "Chill, I'll help you but not tonig-", he cut himself off and waved someone over. Chica. I smacked him upside the head and groaned, I wasn't expecting her to be here. "Hey!", she chirped and I smiled lightly. "Hey", I replied and Shadow walked back into the theatre. What a dick! "So, whatcha doing here?", she asked and I stuffed my hands in my pockets. "Just uh..waiting for someone?", I lied and she smiled lightly. "Wanna hang out?", damn, she must've seen through my lie. "Yeah, sure", I replied and she smiled. "Alright, what do you wanna do?", she asked me and I thought for a minute. "Well, everyone seems to be watching the Hunger Games, wanna go see what the fuss is about?", I offered and she smiled, nodding. She took my hoodie sleeve softly and walked into the theatre.

After the movie**

Bonnie's POV

I got up and smiled lightly, looking at Freddy. He looked down at me and smiled, kissing my nose softly. "Did you like the movie?", he asked and I smiled, nodding. "Y-yes, t-thank you", I  spoke quietly and he smiled. "That's good, and you're welcome", he took my hand softly and led me outside, over to his car. He opened my door and helped me in, then got in. I buckled up and he did the same. "It's getting late, I'll bring you home", he told me and I nodded slightly. He started the engine and began driving, turning on his headlights. "T-thank you f-for tonight", I told him and he smiled, taking my hand softly. "You're welcome", he replied and kissed my knuckle softly, keeping his eyes on the road. After a few minutes of driving, he stopped in front of my trailer. "I'll text you", he told me and kissed my cheek softly. I blushed and nodded, getting out. He watched as I walked into the house, making sure I got in safely before driving off. "Hey, look who's home".

Des' POV

The movie just ended and I got up. I barely got to watch it because Shadow kept flirting non stop. I walked out of the theatre and glanced at the time. It was nearing midnight, and I was beginning to get tired. Shadow walked out and wrapped his arm around my waist, leading me to his car. "So, can I expect another date anytime soon?", he asked and I shrugged slightly. "I don't know, considering I couldn't even watch the movie", I retorted and he sighed, opening my door. I got in and he shut the door, getting in. "Well, I just think you're cute", he spoke after a few moments, turning the car on. "Yeah..", was all I could think to say. He began to drive, and I put on my seat belt. "Seriously, I do", he whispered and I don't think I was supposed to hear, but I did. I just pretended I didn't and looked out the window, yawning quietly. It was awkward the entire drive, and he pulled into the drive way of my place. "I'll see you at school", I told him and got out. "Hey, I at least want a hug", he spoke up and I rolled my eyes, leaning over and hugging him. He hugged back and smiled,"see you at school". I walked up the steps and waved, before walking in.

Tyler's POV

Chica and I got up as the movie ended, and I smiled lightly. "I'm glad you said yes to hanging out", she told me and I smiled. "No problem, I like hanging out with you", I replied and she smiled. "You're not like the other jocks", she spoke and I smiled. "Good, because they're asses", I told her and she nodded in agreement. We walked outside and she glanced at her watch. "I'll walk you home if you'd like", I smiled and she looked up at me, smiling. "Sure, I'd like that", she took my hand softly and began walking. I would take my car, but Fredrick only dropped me off so I couldn't. I followed her and she shivered slightly, making me frown. I gently took off my varsity jacket and wrapped it around her shoulders, making her smile. "Thank you", she cuddled the jacket and I smiled. I ignored the air nipping at my skin, as long as she's warm then I'll be fine. After about 10 minutes of walking, she stopped. She handed me my jacket and smiled, hugging me. "thanks for tonight, it was fun", she chirped and I smiled, hugging back. "No problem, let's do this again soon", she smiled and let go, kissing my cheek softly before walking into her house. I smiled and began walking home.

This chap was long af, you're welcome. Also, Tyler belongs to @waffles0o
Please leave ideas in the comments or message me! If you'd like your oc to be included, let me know:)

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