Kind of a filler chap? Idk.

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Bonnie's POV

Freddy and Goldie don't want to see me anymore?.. Why won't anyone tell me what I did wrong?.. I looked down and let tears brim my eyes, we were having such a good time last night.. I walked down the path and looked up, looking at Freddy in the window. He was staring down at me, a pissed off look on his face. He mouthed something, before retreating back to his bed. I couldn't make out what he said, but I think it was along the lines of "traitor". I let tears run down my cheeks and began walking home, there's no way I was going back to school today. I looked down and let my hair cover my face again, crying hard silently to myself. I lost my friends within a week of having them..I don't even know what I did wrong.. My phone began to vibrate, something that's never happened before. I furrowed my eyebrows and let more tears slip down my cheeks, looking at the text.

"You fucking traitor, you fucking began to spread rumors about my friends, my brother, and I. I can't believe I wasted my time on you. Stay away from Foxy, Chica, Goldie, and me. I better not see you anywhere near us.

"Freddy, I have no idea what you're talking about".

He then sent a screenshot of a facebook page that was posing as me. I looked at the posts and let more tears fall down my cheeks. I don't even have a facebook account!

"I don't even have an account on Facebook, someone is posing as me. Why don't you believe me!?

"Because, you said shit that only YOU would know!"

"Don't you think it's possible someone overheard our conversations?"

It took him about 5 minutes to reply.

"I guess.. Come over and we can all talk, I'll get Chica and Foxy over"

I turned around and began walking back, calming down slowly. I sighed and rubbed my face, putting away my phone. After about 2 minutes, I was standing back in front of the Fazbear home. I knocked again and their mother answered, she was about to tell me something when Freddy walked down the steps. He looked horrible, he had a reddish color to the tip of his nose, palish skin, and he was coughing. Hard. "Mom let him in", his voice was scratchy and nasally. She stepped aside and let me in, I wiped my face and Freddy walked back up the steps. I followed and sniffled, looking around. We walked into the bedroom and I glanced at Goldie. He glared at me and flipped me off, before coughing. "What's he doing here?", Goldie mumbled and Freddy smacked his head weakly. "Shut up, I'm finding out if he really did it or not", he replied before sitting on the bed. I noticed a bucket on each of their bedsides. I sat on the chair in their room and looked at them, staying silent. Freddy looked at me,"so, if you didn't do it then who do you think did?" I thought about it and sighed,"p-possibly my c-cousins, C-Chic.. I-I don't kn-know..." Freddy nodded slightly and laid back, putting a finger to his lips, probably in thought. "Probably Chic", he coughed and I grabbed some medicine that was on the night stand. I put a bit in the little shot glass type thing, handing it to him. He took it softly and drank it, making a face. "This tastes like shit", he mumbled and handed it back to me. I put it back on, before setting it back where it was. He groaned quietly, so I grabbed the bucket. "I'm not gonna puke, I'm just trying to figure stuff out", he explained and I put it back down. "Chic doesn't like you, but she likes us. I'm thinking maybe she is trying to ruin your rep. I'm gonna try talking to her later", he mumbled to himself. I don't think I was supposed to hear, but I did. "M-maybe, I d-don't know", I said quietly and he nodded. "Why aren't you in school by the way?", he asked and I shrugged slightly. "F-Foxy and C-Chica we-were being m-mean and I-I wanted to c-check on y-you", I told him and he nodded slightly. "So, you're not going back?", he coughed and I shook my head. "Well, you're free to stay but you might get sick", he told me and I shrugged. I didn't care, I just wanted to make sure he was okay. "Alright, well we're probably just gonna sleep so if you want you can lay with me..", he spoke quietly and I got up, walking over. He moved over and I laid next to him, cuddling up to his side. He wrapped his arm around me and rubbed my shoulder softly with his thumb. "G-get a room", Goldie coughed, making Freddy and I laugh. "We are in a room, Goldilocks"

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