Endless Song

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Also dedicated to Rufus Wainwright , Justin Robinett, and Michael Henry.

What do I hear?


There are no chirping birds or violin music

No crying babies or police sirens

No yelling moms or shouting dads


That's what I hear.

Sad, isn't it?

Open your mouth and speak to me

I won't respond.

Shout in my ear

I won't flinch.

Look me in the eye and call me every bad word in the book

I won't cry.

I can't hear.

But I can see.

I can see the black and white keys

laid out before me.

I can see the strings

strung taught on the fret board.

I can see the horn

at the end of the brass.

I can see those two wooden sticks

resting upon the shiny snare.

And I can feel.

I can feel the vibrations made by the black and white keys

by the stings on the fret board

by the horn at the end of the brass

by the two wooden sticks atop the snare

and I can feel wind on my ear

from your beautiful voice

whispering to me lyrics

The lyrics to this endless song in my head

About the dedications:

To TorrentsofEmotion14, for coming up with the brilliant title, being my friend (see next dedications), and helping me back on the horse.  You are amazing, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise, including yourself.

To Rufus Wainwright, for making the song Hallelujah that was eventually covered by...

[To] Justin Robinett and Michael Henry, for creating the cover that inspired this piece. (Video on the side).

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