Welcome to crush imagines

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I'm going to try to make this short and sweet but I am a talker so don't judge.

• First off these are crush imagines and will try to update at least twice a week.

• Second I will tell you when requests are open in an author's note.

• Third hope you don't mind if I don't update weekly cause I have so many things going on so often.

• Fourth is this is my first book so don't mind if I forget anything.

• Fifth I hope you enjoy this book cause I know I will.

p.s. I love you guys so much
and also to people who are new to crush imagines...
- You're name: Y/N
- You're crush's name: C/N
- You're best friend's name: Y/B/F
- You're best guy friend's name: B/G/F
- You're crush's last name: C/N/L
- You're enemy's name: Y/E/N
And that's it promise

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