Game Changes

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( A/N: Hey, all I have to say is that don't forget to leave you're thoughts in the comments. Enjoy the story! )

Crush's P.O.V thoughts

It was fall and really bad storm came to town...

I was playing video games Y/N's brother cause he was my best friend.
Plus I had a huge crush on his sister, Y/N.

We were playing call of duty when Y/N came down stairs to get a glass of water. "Hey Y/N you want to play call of duty with us? " I asked Y/N.

"Umm.. Nah I think I will stick to my fandom. " she said. "PLEASE!" her brother and I said in unison. "NO! " she replied. "Wait is little Y/N scarred of getting beat by us? " her brother asked.
"No! " she said. "Oh really? Then play with us. " I said. "Fine. " she said rolling her eyes. She is so cute.

"I'll show you. " she mumbled under her breath as she sat down next to me on the couch. "Why don't we make this interesting. " I said. "Ok. How so? " she replied. "Loser has to do anything the winner says. " I said. "Deal. " she said as she shook my hand.

We started playing and she was surprisingly very good.

All the sudden the lights went out and a bright flash of lightning shined through the window and a crack a thunder let out in the sky.

"So what are we going to do now? " asked Y/N's brother. Y/N was holding a pillow and rocking back and fourth breathing heavily. "Are you ok?" I asked concerned. "No. " she said about to cry. "What's wrong? " I asked her

"She is terrified of storms. " her brother said. "Y/N you are going to be fine. " I said as consoled her into a hug. She started tho cry. Then my heart broke into a million pieces. "I am going to call the cable guy I will be right back. " her brother said. "Ok. " I replied. "Please
calm down Y/N. It breaks my heart to see you cry. " I whispered so she wouldn't hear. "Really? " she said lifting her head off my shoulder and sniffing. "Yes. " I said nervously. "Awe that's so sweet. But why would it break your heart? " she said. "Listen, Y/N I have had a crush on you for quite a long time now. " I said

"I have had a crush on you for a longtime too. " she said. My mouth dropped then turned into a huge smile.

"Will you be my girlfriend? " I asked in excitement. "Yes. " she said as she hugged me tightly.

Then we cuddled on the couch and she seemed not to be scared anymore. That made me feel a lot better and the rest was history.

( A/N: hey sorry this took me so long to write I just haven't had much time. But sense I am on fall break now I will be posting more. )

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