The past two days...

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Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay.

I have some news.

Okay so during gym yesterday my crush was staring at me and I was laughing with my friends and I looked over to him and he was smiling so big at me but when I noticed he turned his head away but still had a small smile.

PLUS we talked to each other without making it that awkward. We had to do group work in math and he's my partner and I said to him, "I've messed up so many times!" I said laughing and smiling playfully and he just smiled so big and laughed. 1st for this year.

Then, later in last period, he has a clear view of my seat from his seat and so he stared at me A LOT. My classes got switched the day before and it just so happens that my last two classes are with him for the rest of the year. We have the same exact schedule except for first period so lucky me, right?

Okay, okay again with last period we have to do this thing where we switch seats for that class period. How it works is, you have this 'world map' with the 7 continents and only 3 oceans and you have to pick 10 people to switch seats with, so my teacher calls it 'a person that you're traveling to a continent or ocean with' and so on my ninth person MY MISTER PERFECT CHOSE ME TO PARTNER WITH.

Anyways, let's talk about today. Okay, so my crush lives really close to my school and we usually have the lunch room doors wide open so anyone or anything can get in so, today at lunch his two golden retrievers WALK INTO THE LUNCH ROOM and everyone goes crazy while mister perfect is over here like, 'oh, hey.' And he was watching me the whole time and his dogs came up to me and sniffed me and I petted it. It was adorable and I looked over at my crush and he was smiling so big.

AND in world geography he stared at me so much and one of my friends was telling a stupid story and I was laughing and at first my crush wasn't even smiling just blank face and then he looked at me and smiled really big and ahhhhhhhhhhhh.

Love you all!!

~ Emma

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