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F/1 = friend one
F/2 = friend two

It was 8:00 pm and dark outside...

You and two of your best friends decided to go watch a movie. You decided that you would watch horror film because you all never watch them that often. "I'm so excited!" F/2 cheered. "I think I'm going to be sick." you said holding your stomach from nervousness, you didn't like scary movies.

"You can throw up in the popcorn bucket." F/1 said stepping up to the desk. She handed the cinema guy the money and he gave her three tickets. He was tall, brunette, and muscular, but not your crush. "Hey! If you get scared or anything just ask for me and I'll be there." he said giving F/1 a wink. "Sounds great to me." she said with a smile.

You lightly whispered 'get some' in her ear making her laugh. "Shut up!" she said smacking your arm. You all walked into the movies, where right in front of you all was the station where you get popcorn, drinks, etc. "Let's go get popcorn!" you said loudly pulling both of your friends towards the cashier person.

"Three large popcorns, three lemonades, and 3 M&M's please." you said to the cashier who was smiling at F/2. "What do you all want?" you asked making the cashier laugh. "I'm just kidding. That'll be it." you said handing him the money. He handed each of you your food. "Umm... do mind if I join you?" he asked F/2 before heading off to the movie room thingy. "That would be fine." she said politely then all of you walking off to the room thingy.

"I'm mister lonely, I'm so lonely." you said skipping off away from your friends, then spotting Y/C staring at you from the door of the room thingy where the movie you all were watching is. You then turned around and skipped back to your friends. "Oh my gosh." you said panicking to your friends. You whispered his name in both of their ears making them laugh. "Oh, I understand." F/1 said smiling.

"Whatever. You're still watching the movie with us." F/2 said dragging you up to the door now standing right behind Y/C, waiting to enter. You heard Y/C whisper something under his breath. You assumed that he was talking to himself like he does all the time, which was absolutely adorable.

You heard him take in a deep breath. "Hi." he said smiling and turning around. "Greetings." you said making an awkward silence between the two of you. "So, umm... would you like to sit with me, Y/N?" he asked clearly nervous. "Sure c-" you said but he cut you off. "Alone, maybe?" he said with a scared look on his face, his cheeks turning a bright red.

You turned around to see both of your friends with their dates shaking their heads viciously. "Thank you." you mouthed to them. "Yeah, that'll be fine." you said as his eyes grew larger and his cheeks became more red. "Great." he said having the same facial expression but smiling.

You both soon walked into the theater, it being you and him side-by-side. "Where do you want to sit?" you asked looking up at him making his head snap straight forward. "A-Anywhere you want." he said gulping after. "Ooo, let's sit at the top, that's my favorite because no one ever sits there." you said smiling up at him making him smile at you. "That sounds great to me." he said making your all's way to the top and sitting down.

You both sat quietly watching the previews, munching down on popcorn. You then went to go grab a drink but he reached for it at the same time, making your hands touch. He smiled at you but the you took your hand away realizing it was his drink. He stared at the floor smiling while taking a drink.

He then noticed that you had barely any popcorn left. "You want some of my popcorn?" he asked with a 'you are adorable' smile. "No, I'm okay. You eat it. I know you love popcorn." you said pushing the bag away from you. "Yeah, but I love you more." he said quietly looking down at the floor. "Wait. What?" you asked confused but smiling.

"I-I..." he said stumbling on his words. "Never mind." he said getting more red faced than you ever had seen him, him slouching down in his seat wishing he was invisible at that very moment. Your mind raced of the thoughts of him saying I love you, to you! He said it, and he meant it. You just weren't sure.

The lights went down and everyone was quiet. The film started in the set of a run-down town. You began to get a sick feeling in your stomach from nervousness but didn't show it. The camera then showed pictures of, what looked like an abandoned house.

You looked down to F/2 and her date, they were making out already. Then at the very bottom F/1 and her date were cuddling, the guy kissed her forehead ever so lightly. It made your heart jump when suddenly someone touched your hand. It was Y/C. You looked at him as he intertwined your hands together him, then giving you a shy smile. He must have seen you looking at both of your friends.

You both just stared at each for what felt like forever. You then heard a scary sound coming from the speakers. Everyone screamed. You then jumped into Y/C's arms and buried your head in his chest. You could hear his heart speed up as soon as you laid your head on his chest. It pounded harder and harder every second. It wasn't because of the movie, it was because of you.

Y/C's P.O.V. Thoughts

OH. MY. HOLY. GREIFY. GOSH. SHE IS IN MY ARMS. SHE IS MINE. Well, not quite yet but... close. I could feel my heart beat against my chest so hard I could have bruise there tomorrow.

Wait... should I.... kiss her? Maybe that would calm her down a bit? Let's be honest, both of us are not even paying attention to the movie anymore. I could see her adorable squished face against my chest, her eyes struck with fear. She was terrified. Y/N got scared very easily, but I had never seen her like this before.

I looked down at her friends with their dates. They were both making out at this point. No one in the theater was watching because, it was pretty much just Y/N's friends and their dates, and my best friend and his date which were making out as well.

I looked at her little face, still scared half to death. I lifted her head up with my finger, her hands clutched into my shirt from being scared. I looked into her beautiful glossy eyes. They were scared. She was scared. I don't think she watches horror movies that often. She had mentioned once before that she hated scary movies, I sure believed it now.

I looked down at her lips then back up to her eyes. I looked down at her lips then stared. They were shaped perfectly, her Cupid's bow absolute perfection, how her bottom lip was a bit bigger than the top one, a beautiful dark peach color. I wanted to kiss her so bad but, I was scared. I was scared that she wouldn't like the kiss, or think I was some kind of pervert or something.

My heart was pounding out of my chest. I wanted this so bad, I couldn't describe. "There isn't one person in this world that I want more than you." I said softly but loud enough for her to hear suddenly feeling more nervous than ever. I could feel my ears burning I was so scared.

Her eyes went wide, that made me even more scared. "I-I am not the best, but.. I promise I will l-love you with all my heart." I said smiling harder than I ever could. "You make me feel... giddy! And I laugh too around you, a-and your name brings fireworks to my stomach, and when you walk into the room my heart speeds up, and even just thinking about you makes me smile. What I'm trying to say is, Y/N I REALLY like you, a lot and I was wondering if you would maybe be my girlfriend?" I asked nervous as hell, clearly.

"I-I...." she trailed of as I stared at her anxiously. "Yes." she said smiling with the most adorable relieved face ever. I smiled more widely than before. I suddenly just kissed her with all the passion I had. Her lips were like silk, as I expected. I couldn't help myself but smile out of so much joy, our lips moving in sync as our hearts were beating doing the same.

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