Sticking Up For You #1

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( A/N: aye, guys I just need you too know that, I love you guys!! )

Crush's P.O.V. Thoughts

I was in the gym playing basketball with my friends when...

My crush, Y/N walked into the gym in  our school sweatshirt and sweatpants. She looks beyond adorable. Today she looked very sad, which did not make me happy. "Hey, lover boy are you going to play? " my best friend asked me. "I think I'm gonna take a break for now. " I replied and started to walk over to Y/N who sat on the bleachers.

"H-hey Y/N. " I said, butterflies in my stomach. "Hey Y/C. " she said with a fake smile. I sat down next to her. "Are you okay, you look sad. " I told her. "I'm fine. " she said sniffing like she had been crying. I knew what it was. She was not fine, you see Y/N is bullied a lot and that is probably the reason.

"Y/N I know what's wrong. " I said giving her a big hug, and her starting to cry into my shoulder. "Come on let's go some where private. " I said leading her out of the gym her crying, which broke my heart. We went to library into the book shelves. "Now tell me who, what, when, where, and why? " I told her because I knew that she needed a friend that she can trust, and I care about her more than you could ever know.

"Whoa, slow down buddy. " she said giggling. "Well, I care about you. Plus I made you laugh. " I said to her. "Do you know Cathy Jenson? " she asked me. I knew who it was. Cathy is one of the most popular girls in school, she's a slut, and uses guys, she is so fake. But I didn't know that she was a bully, still doesn't surprise me.

"Yea, I don't like her at all. " I replied to Y/N. "Well, when I was at lunch eating, she went up to me and smacked me in the face then she said I was a 'fat b**ch who didn't deserve to be alive, and I was worthless' and punched me in the stomach then left. " she said as she began to cry. "Don't cry, she just jealous, you are everything she is not, beautiful, smart, funny, artistic, kind, generous, and so much more. " I told her wiping her tears away. "Really? " she said smiling like her spirit had been lifted. "Really. " I told her and she hugged me. My heart was racing.

"Why are you being so nice to me, like she said I'm worthless, fat- " I cut her off. "1. You are definitely NOT worthless. 2. You aren't fat. 3. You have to understand that you can't let people bring you down just cause they are jealous of you. " I told her sternly. "Okay, now let's go confront this b**ch. " I told her as we stood up and she gave me a huge smile.

We walked out of the library. We started searching for Cathy. We finally found her in the gym. I went up to Cathy and started to say something but her so called 'boyfriend' , Brett stepped in front of me. "What do you want? " he asked me. "I was going to talk to Cathy. " I said gritting my teeth. "Okay. " he told me stepping out of the way.

"LISTEN DON'T YOU EVER AND I MEAN EVER, TELL Y/N SHE IS WORTHLESS OR FAT JUST BECAUSE YOUR JEALOUS AND ALSO DON'T TOUCH HER, EVER AGIN OR I WILL- " she cut me off. "You will what? " she said smirking. "I WILL CALL THE AUTHORITIES!!! " I practically yelled because I was furious.

"Oh, lover boy looks like he's standing up for his little crush, how sweet he actually thinks he can fix this can't he? " Cathy's boyfriend said clearly trying to offend me. I punched him in the gut, and he fell down then kicked him as hard as I could. "Don't make fun of me nor Y/N ever again. " I said kicking him one last time.

I walked over to Y/N. She was smiling with that beautiful smile that made me get butterflies every time, and makes my heart melt. "Wow, I do not know how to thank you. " she said giving me a huge hug. "Just being around you is enough. " I whispered so she hopefully wouldn't hear. "Come on let's go to my house. " she as she took my hand and lead me out of the gym.

We walked out of the school, her head resting on my arm because she is too short to reach my shoulder, its adorable. "Its cold out here. " she said as she wrapped her arms around my torso, my heart beating so fast. "Here have my hoodie. " I said as we came to a stop and I grabbed my hoodie out of my backpack.

"Thank you so much, I'm freezing. " she said taking it and slipping it over her plaid shirt. "It's kind of big, don't you think? " she said giggling. That giggle was so adorable. "I think it looks perfect on you. " I confessed to her. "Awe.. Thank you. " she said as she grabbed my hand and walking home agin.

"Can I confess something? " she asked me. "Of course. " I replied not hesitating at all. "You're smile is literally the most adorable thing I have ever seen. " she told me. "It only exists when I'm with you. By the way yours is too. " I confessed to her. "I'm trying to be cute and then you say something even more cute. Ugh. Why do you have too be so precious. " she said throwing her arms up.

"You are cute even without you noticing it.. " I told her extremely quietly and shyly. She threw her arms around me as my heart began to race she said "That's all I need to from you."
I smiled at her and she smiled back. She held my hand agin. We finally got too her house after that long walk. She opened the door with one of the keys on her necklace.

We walked in her house, and went too her room. "Welcome too my fortress. " she throwing her hands up as I laughed at her ridiculousness. She sat on her bed, then patted the spot next too her. I sat down. I can't believe that my crush is actually being so wonderful to me. She turned towards me and did her legs cris-cross ( As in Chris-cross-Apple-sauce. ) and I did the same.

"Stand up. " she told me, so I did so. "Pick me up. " she told me, I did so.
Now we were eye level. She smiled and I smiled back because I know how she gets mad when people don't smile back at her. She got closer to face. She touched our noses together, which was the most adorable thing anyone could ever do, yes people she is that adorable.

"Can I ask you a question. " I asked her my heart beginning to beat faster and faster. "Yea. " she said. "Do you like have a crush on me? " I asked her, both our hearts beating like no other, she blushed.

"Maybe... Okay I can't keep it a secret anymore, Y/C I have a crush on you, honestly I have ever since the third grade, you are just so real, athletic, kind, weird, smart, and so much more. You are perfect in my book. Everyday I see you, and wish that I will get too talk to you, that you may just have a little interest in me but you don't cause I'm just worthless, and fat. " she explained to me.

"I feel the same way. " I told her as the most beautiful smile appeared on her face. We starred at each other for long time, what felt like forever. "Will y-you be my g-girlfriend? " I asked her shyly. "You don't know how long I have waited for you too say that. YES!!!! " she screamed as she hugged me tighter than she ever could.

To be continued.

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