So Nervous

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( A/N: hey, I have nothing to say so, umm... Enjoy.. I guess? )

Crush's P.O.V. Thoughts

"Y/C ask her out! Don't be chicken. " my best friend said as he shoved a bite of his sandwich into his mouth. "Fine, but what should I ask her to do? I mean like dinner, or- " I was cut of by one of Y/N's best friends walking by and she said, "Well, Y/N wants to see that new 'Star Wars' movie. " Y/N's best friend said sitting down.

"Really, I do too. " I said in astonishment. "Yep! She loves Star Wars she has posters all over her walls in her bedroom, and she has a Star Wars pillows, and so much more. We had a conversation the other day on the difference between 'Star Wars' and 'Star trek' it was hilarious how invested she was in the topic. " she said giggling.

"Its a very serious matter. " I said seriously, and her giggling. "Well, how am I going to ask her? " I asked my friend as Y/N's friend got up and walked back towards her seat. "You come up with it, its your dream girl, so I think you should ask her out how you would in your head, the little fantasies you make up about you two- " I shut him up by shoving his sandwich all in his mouth all at once, because Y/N was coming near us.

My heart began to pound. What if her best friend told her everything. No, she wouldn't do that. Maybe she would. What if Y/N doesn't like me back, and she doesn't want to go on a.. date, I guess you would call it. Oh my God, I'm actually asking Y/N out on a date. I haven't thought about this that much. I began to hyperventilate.

"Hi. " Y/N said sitting next to me, smiling with that beyond beautiful smile, and those gorgeous Y/E/C eyes and perfect hair. I just smiled and mumbled gibberish, like a complete idiot in la la land. My friend shook me. "Umm.. Hey! " I said holding out my hand for her to shake it out of nervousness. I am making a complete fool of myself.

Get it together. "So.. I was wondering.. if you like 'Star Wars'? " she asked seemingly nervous. "Did she tell you? " I asked nervously thinking that her friend told her everything. "Did who tell me what? " she asked confused. "Oh nothing. " I said as some of my stress went away.

"Well.. I was wondering if maybe, you would like to go see it with me.. maybe? " she asked her cheeks turning red, like a little tomato. It was adorable. "That would be great. When? " I asked so excited. "Umm.. How about tomorrow at 7:00 pm? " she asked calmly. "That's alright with me. " I said more nervous and excited than ever. "Great see you then. " she said as she got up and left.

"Okay, what just happened? " I said as I turned towards my friend and about falling out of my seat, looking like a fool, as always, I'm used to it.

(Time skip to tomorrow at 6:00 pm)

Your P.O.V. Thoughts

Oh my lord I am SO NERVOUS. What am I even going to wear? How am I going to fix my hair? Ugh. Okay, let's find something to wear.

Ah.. Finally the perfect outfit.
A pair grey jeans, with a charcoal gray crop top that comes to the bottom of my stomach, and a turquoise plaid shirt that covers my whole arm. Wearing my hair down, but last night I put my hair in braids so it would be wavy, with a pair of black converse. (Yes people. This is my fashion sense. I'm not a girly-girl just so ya know. LOL.)

Crush's P.O.V. Thoughts

(6:00 pm)

I am wearing something casual cause you don't really want to show up in tuxedo, no that's too classy for the movies, much less 'Star Wars'. So, jeans an 'A&F' black shirt with some tennis shoes.

I am currently standing outside Y/N's door. I knocked softly as my heart beating faster and faster. A large man opened the door. "Umm.. hello, I'm h-here for Y-Y/N sir. " I said literally shaking. "Hello, I'm Y/N's father. I am pleased to meet you. She has said very much about you. " he said with a welcoming smile. "Is it true that, you are a straight A+ student? " her father asked suspiciously. "Yes sir. " I said smiling cause Y/N has talked about me.. TO HER FAMILY.

"Come in, please. " her father said as he moved out of the door way for me to come in. I walked into the door slowly, trying to admire her home. "So, Y/C do you like my daughter? " Y/N's father asked me as my heart began to pound even harder. "I more than like her, I love her. " I said with a shaky breath waiting on his response.

"Why do you love her? " he asked me. "Why? Because she's amazing, smart funny, musically talented, artistic, beautiful, weird but in a good way of course, different than most girls, and so much more. " I explained to him not knowing that Y/N was standing right behind me, I turned around.

I felt light headed because she heard every word I said. "Umm.. Hi, Y/N. " I said sitting down so I wouldn't faint. "Hey. You ready to go? " she asked with biggest, brightest, beautiful smile I have ever seen. "Of course. " I said as I grabbed her hand and lead her out the door, I looked back at her father and he gave me a thumbs up.

I smiled, a nervous smile back at him. We walked out of her front door, feeling my palms start to sweat.

We got to the movies and walked inside. While we were standing in line to get our tickets, I slowly intertwined our hands together. Once we got our tickets, we went to go find seats.

The movie started and she looked at me smiling with that smile, that keeps me up at night. She squeezed my hand even tighter out of excitement. I smiled like a complete fool.

Once we were done with the movie we stayed until everyone was out of the movie theater. Now we were all alone, of course still holding hands.

Out of pure silence I asked, "Can I tell you one of my deepest darkest secrets?" I asked her. "Anything. " she said nodding her head. "Well, umm.. I kinda sorta h-have had a c-crush on you for quite a l-long time now. " I said blushing furiously, not knowing how she was going to respond.

"Really?! I FEEL THE SAME WAY. " she said hugging me as tight as she could and, I doing the same.

And the rest is for you to come up with cause it is 1:44 am and I'm tired.

( A/N: hello, I'm very sleepy. But anyways, I know the new 'Star Wars' movie has not came out yet but I am SO excited to watch it. ( and so is my crush. ) well now I'm probably going to go to sleep. **pushes up glasses from nose** good night. )

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