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( A/N: hiya, this is based on a series of events that have happened today with my crush so... Yea!! )

I was, making my way down the hall, faces pass and some I don't like but I gotta get to class now, duddly duddly do do do do... ( if you get it, your great. )

You were going English, your least favorite class. After English, it was time for lunch. You were excited because, of course, you got to see your crush and talk with him. You walked into the lunch room, crush sitting in his usual spot, you sat down across from him like you usually do.

You were waiting impatiently for your friend to come into the lunch room. As she walked in she walked over to where you all sit everyday. She asked, "Do you have the invitations?". You for got. "I will. " you responded. You quickly got up and ran out of the school to go to your locker, your birthday party was coming up soon and you were giving out invitations today.

You had a specific card picked out for C/N because you are just that type of person, you know?? You sat down quickly and hid the cards under the table so they would be a surprise to everyone.

Once your friend got the package that had the inventions inside, she started handing them out, of course C/N was first. He wasn't paying attention, he was in his own little world. Your friend got his attention and smiled.

He was reading the card like it was one of his favorite books, he blushed. "Hey, Y/N, I don't think I'll be able to make it, I have a baseball game that day. " C/N's best friend said. "It's okay. " you said sincerely.

"Are you going to be there C/N?" His best friend asked. "Most likely, yea. " C/N replied smiling. You smiled and texted your friend,


She replied,


'He said he would most likely come.'


'I know. '

You smiled like the bizarre idiot you are. ( not that you are a bizarre idiot, I just thought that would be funny, sorry. ) your friend raced back to you smiling and slamming the cards down on the table and squealing like a hyena and hugging you, causing your crush's attention towards the both of you.

: Time skip to end of school day :

You were walking out of the school doors talking with your friend, but your crush walking in front of you. He met up with his parent/guardian, who was with his younger sibling(s), and he asked, "( name of parent/guardian ), may I go to Y/N's birthday party on Saturday?" His parent/guardian replied, "Who is this Y/N?" He/she asked.

"It's this girl right here. " he said, pulling you towards him, not hurting you, wrapping his arm around your waist. "Oh hello dear. " they replied. You let out a shy "hello. ". He/she held their hand out for you to shake it, so you did so. "You seem like a nice girl, you may go to her party C/N. " he/she replied. "Thank you Mrs.C/L/N. ". "Your welcome dear. " "bye, C/N. " you waved as he told goodbye as well and waving.

You got in the car to go home and smiled all the way there. You started listening to music, and laid your head against the glass window.

To be continued.


( A/N: Aye guys, some of this stuff actually happened today, except for the last part but, anyways, my mum read this and it was super awkward and yea. )

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