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You were chatting with B/G/F...

You were chatting with B/G/F. You decided that while he was taking that you would look at C/N. You turned your head in his direction but, he was already looking at you. You quickly turned back around to face the front of the room where B/G/F was.

"You were looking at him agin weren't you?" He said sarcastically. "Maybe, maybe not, it's classified. " you said with a mysterious look on your face, eventually laughing.

You grabbed B/G/F's hands to keep from falling out of your chair. Once you stopped laughing, you looked back over to C/N who's face was a bright red, his arms crossed, biting his tongue, and eyeing B/G/F. You had no idea what that was about.

After class was over, it was time to go home. You were waiting on your friend to eventually get down the stairs where you were. You suddenly felt a hand turn you around. Of course, it was C/N.

You smiled at him. "We need to talk. " he said sternly looking you right in the eyes. "Okay. " you said as he grabbed your hand and lead you out the school building. Once you were out, he picked you up and carried you behind the school. Once he let down out of his arms, he put you up against the back you building wall.

His arms gently pinning you against the wall and his face moving closer to yours, he stared you in the eyes. "Why do you do this to me?" He asked staring at your lips but eventually moving up to your eyes.

"D-do what?" You said stumbling with your words as his breath hit your neck, giving you chills. "Everyday you talk and flirt with other guys, why?" He said calmly stepped back from you, now just standing face to face.

You were shocked. "Why would you care?" You asked just wondering what was going through his mind. "Because I just- okay fine. Listen, Y/N, I've had a huge crush on you for almost 3 years now, Tuesday will be the third year by the way, and I don't want you flirting with anyone else... " he said staring at the ground.

"REALLY?!" You asked shocked. "Yea. " he said smiling and staring into your eyes. He tucked a piece of hair behind your ear and cupping your cheek. He smiled even more. He wrapped his arm that was free around your waist. He pulled away. "Sorry, I've always wanted to do that. Sorry. " he said looking at the ground and picking up his backpack.

"Put that down. Let's do this, " you said as he put down his backpack and you rearranged his hands and arms where they were before. "That's better. ". He smiled and blushed as red as a tomato.

"You may or may not know this already but, I've had a crush on you for a long time too. " you said smiling and looking down. His finger lifted up your chin. You stared into his eyes.

"Do you want make it official?" He said as a smile was plastered against his face. "YES. " you said pulling yourself into his chest and burying your face in his chest. His heart was beating so fast. You smiled. You felt his chin on the top of your head.

He swayed you both back and fourth, like you were slow dancing. It was so adorable of him. "So, now we are... Dating, right?" He said while you both just stood there, swaying. "Yea, but I have a question. " you said pulling away your head to look up at him. "Ask away. " he said.

"Could we keep this a secret for awhile?" You asked as your heart rate quickened. "Of course but, may I ask why. " he said frowning his eyebrows. "It's because I don't want people teasing us about it. " you said as you fluttered your eyes.

"Anything you want, love. " he said as his cheeks turned red but yet smiling. "Come on, let's go. " he said but holding your hand as he walked you home.

( A/N: hey guys, this is actually a two series part but the next part will be titled 'secrets #2' instead of 'jealousy #2' because I have plans for the next part. By the way people who I said I would do imagines for, just wait a little while longer because if I get an idea for an imagine and I don't write it out instantly and I forget, it will drive me mad. )

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