Well, I'm kinda lucky

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Wednesday of last week: oh I know you've just been dying to hear this right? I'm kidding. In gym today he stared at me a lot. Like I'll catch him and we will just keep on getting embarrassed and it's like the most adorable thing ever. In math he sits beside me so I offered him a pencil because he literally had half a pencil to write with and so I laid a pencil on his desk, he said "no thank you, I-I'm fine." I didn't respond. okay so we had to do partner work so I asked him what he got for number one and he said, "I-I.. umm.. 0.*looks me in the eyes then looks away quickly* 4-4-4 *pauses* 45454 a-and it's a repeating d-decimal." so he was a mess which was adorable. I can't remember the rest just to be honest.

Friday of last week: So he stares at me so much but it's confusing because he won't talk to me or have conversations and that aggravates me so much. Okay, In English I had to answer a question in front of the class and as soon as the teacher called my name he spun around and looked at me but he didn't do that with the other people she called, it was weird but I liked it. And we had mentoring on Friday and we are in the same mentoring group and we had to write poems about ourselves and on the third line it was to put the name of someone you love or in a relationship with AND HE EITHER PUT MY NAME, MY FRIENDS NAME, OR NO ONE BUT IT LOOKED REALLY REALLY CLOSE TO MY NAME FROM WHAT I COULD SEE. But I just put no one for that answer so ha. But in math I was getting the eraser shavings off my desk and he was doing the same thing at the same time and I laugh a bit and he heard me then he looked me in the eyes and his eyes got bigger and we had an awkward silence. And then I looked away put of embarrassment. Also, in gym that morning, he kept staring at me A LOT. I don't know what it was really. But in science our science teacher is like literally one of my best teachers ever and she asked one of our classmates "Who's your daddy?" not meaning that of course but asking who her dad because she thought she might know him. But when she did everyone started laughing and I look over at my crush and he's staring at me with a smirk on his face.

Today: Not really much, but there's this one girl, let's just call her.... Jim. Okay so Jim and mister perfect get paired up as partners and I think they like each other and I'm stressing over it. In science I caught him staring at me a few times and in social studies we had to do this thingy where you had to vote on what you wanted to answer and every time he would look at me and the answer I held my hand up for, he did the same thing but I tested it and I didn't raise my hand and he didn't raise his hand. So boom. He also would look at me and smile when my friends were making me laugh. He just stares at me a lot and it's so confusing. I wish he would just grow a set and ask me if he likes me. But in math my seat is really annoying and it's uneven so I can rock in it and I told him, "My seat is annoying." And I rocked it back and fourth making him laugh so yay. But today was whatever.

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