Back off #1

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You were walking down the hallway with Y/C as you were making fun of your least favorite teacher. "Love?" Y/C asked wrapping his arms around your waist. People were now staring at you all. "Yes?" you asked with a smirk on your face. "How about I take you out on a date tomorrow night?" he asked
poking you on the nose.

"What's the occasion?" you asked smiling as he pinned you up against his locker. "Oh. Nothing, just our 6 month anniversary. " he said with a frown. "Oh! Yea! I'm sorry I didn't remember, sweet boy. " you said taking your hand through his hair making him smile. "Why don't you... make it up to me. " he said biting his lip making more people stare. "Y/C, stop you're going to make people think we're going to have sex. " you whispered to him so people wouldn't hear.

"Oh, I'm sorry. BY THE WAY EVERYONE IN HERE WHO JUST HEARD OUR CONVERSATION WE HAVE NOT HAD BOW CHIKA WOW WOW." Y/C yelled so probably everyone in the hallway heard. You then ran away from them in embarrassment but laughing. Y/C followed you holding your hand. "Oh my gosh. " you said to Y/C on the stair case as you all laugh as hard as you ever could.

"But will you make it up to me?" he asked with a grin growing on his lips. "How so?" you asked running your hands up the back of his shirt. "You let me take you on a date without you complaining for me paying for everything, I get to take you shopping and pick out your outfit for our date, also me paying, and I get to do your hair. " he said putting his thumbs in your jean belt loops.

"Deal. " you said smiling at him but grunting. "Let's go shopping!" he said girly like taking your hand and running down the stairs to the exit. His mom was waiting in her car to pick you all up. "Hi, Y/N. " his mom said with a smile. "Hello, miss C/L/N. " you said smiling while getting in her car. "Now Y/N, I already told you, you can call me by my first name and that's what I want you to call me." she said smiling back at you. "Yes, C/M/N." you said as she smiled even more at you.

She then drove you all to the closest outlet chain. "I will be waiting in the car if you all need me. Now Y/C, I want you to pay for EVERYTHING and don't let her pay a single penny for anything." she said smiling handing Y/C some money. "Mom, I'll pay. " he said pushing back the money. "Are you sure you have enough?" she asked holding out the money again. "Yes. " he said giving her the look. "Okay, you all have fun. " she said waving us bye.

"I'm so excited. " he said walking along the sidewalk holding your hand. "Why?" you asked confused. "Because I get to buy you stuff. " he said looking down at you. "Why would you be excited about that?" you asked even more confused looking up at him. "Because I like buying you things, because I love you. " he said looking down but blushing furiously.

"I love you too. " you said kissing his cheek making him smile. "You wanna go in Victoria Secret?" he asked pointing to the store with a smirk. "No, I know what goes on in that mind of yours. " you said trying to pull him away from the store. "Please? I want to pick EVERY item you wear tomorrow, plus isn't this stuff expensive? I promise I would never try anything with you. " he said practically begging you. "Fine. It's not really that expensive. I know you wouldn't. " you said as he cheered. "C'mon. Let's go in." he said dragging you into the store.

"What size do you wear?" he asked blushing madly. "(Your bra size). " you said as his eyes widened slightly. "Okay. " he said smirking. "I think this would look adorable on you. " he said holding up a simple black lace bra to your chest. You heard one of the employees whisper to their co-worker, "That's so cute that he's helping her shop. " she said as the co-worker said back, "I know. I wish my boyfriend did that with me. ". You leaned in and whispered in Y/C's ear, "Those girls are talking about us over there. ". "I know they know we're goals already. " he said picking out black lace underwear to match your bra.

"Go try this on. " he said handing it to you proudly walking you to the dressing rooms. You walked into the dressing room as Y/C stood outside. "Does it look okay?" he asked clearly a smile on his face. "I honestly love it. " you said looking at yourself in the mirror. "Yes.." he said in excitement. "Can I see?" he asked with a clear smirk on his face. "No, you can see through the underwear. By the way you do know that you picked out a thong, right?" you said turning around and looking at your butt in the mirror. "Yes I did know that. " he said you could literally sense the blush on his face.

You just rolled your eyes. "Can I get it for you?" he asked in excitement. "It's your money. " you said putting your clothes back on. "YAYY. " he said making you smile. You walked out of the stall and stood in front of him. "Do you want another pair?" he asked looking down at you. "It's your choice. " you said wrapping your arms around his torso. "Okay, good because I saw a really cute bra over there and I want you to try it on. " he said excitedly.

"Here. " he said putting a cream colored strapless bra to your chest. "Just in case I pick out something where you won't want to see the straps on it. " he said handing the bra to you and picking out some cream colored underwear to go with it. "You're actually really good at this. " you said in astonishment. "Well, mom brings me in here all the time for her, and I know what you like and what you don't so I don't see why not. " he said putting the underwear to your waist.

"Go try it on please. " he said to you once again proudly. You walked in and once again it looked amazing. "Do you like it?" he asked with nervousness in his voice. "It looks amazing. " you said as he sighed in relief. You put your clothes back on and walked out. "So I'm getting you both of these right?" he asked with a smile holding both pairs up. "If you want to. " you cupping his cheek making him blush.

He went up to the counter and paid for them. You both walked out and walked along the sidewalk. "You really don't have to do this. " you said stopping and turning towards him. "I told you not to complain about me paying for everything, do I need to punish you?" he asked with a smirk on his face. "Depends. " you said getting closer to him. He just smirked and blushed. He then pulled you to walk with him to the next store.

All the sudden he slapped your butt. You just rolled your eyes at him. "Don't roll your eyes at me. " he said smiling. "I can do what ever I want to. " you said looking up at him. He then dragged you into a random store and pulled you into the men's restroom. He put you into a handicapped bathroom stall and pinned you up against the wall. "Now can you do whatever you want to?" he asked with a straight face clearly wanting something. "What are you doing?" you asked with a smirk. "Whatever I want to, now answer my question or be punished. " he said with mischievous smirk getting closer to you. "What exactly is the punishment?" you asked while he bit his lip smiling but looking down. He just laughed nervously.

"This. " he said lightly kissing your neck. "And?" you asked lightly giggling as he thought that was a good punishment. He lifted up your shirt leaving wet kisses all the way up your stomach. He then got to your melons and stopped. He stared at them in your plain neutral bra. Then he looked up at you and smirked. "Y/C. " you said making him look up at you. "I'm not going to take your bra off, I promise. " he said taking his head out of your shirt and awkwardly stared at you while he blushed madly.

"I'm sorry. " he said looking down making you laugh at him. "Oh, it's fine." you said taking his shirt off. "W-What are you doing?" he asked as his eyes got bigger. "Shh. " you shushed him. You then kissed him roughly digging your nails into his torso making him flinch. You moved down to his jawline and dug your nails deeper into his stomach. A louder than needed moan escaped his mouth. "Y/N..." he gasped taking his hands in your hair.

You looked up at him and handed him back his shirt, him gasping for air. "What's wrong with you?" you asked with a smirk being perfectly fine. "Nothing, baby girl. " he said putting his shirt back on. You stared at him until he admitted what you wanted him to admit. "Damn it. I want to make love to you so bad. " he said dragging you out of bathroom.  "I knew it. " you said smiling.

( A/N: I will be posting this imagine 1,000 words at a time, so be patient. )

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