Spending The Night

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( A/N: I came up with this in the shower, cause everyone has the best ideas in the shower. )

You spending the night with your crush a.k.a. Your best guy friend...

You arrived at his house. Walked up too the door, heart racing. You knocked, knowingly he will immediately answer the door. He opened the door with that, warm, gorgeous smile that made your heart melt every time you saw it. "Hi. " he said as he let out a shaky breath, seeming like he was nervous for some unknown reason.

"Hey. " you said with smile that you couldn't control, wildly spreading across your face. "Come in. " he said like he was snapping out of a deep thought and directing. You too come inside. You walked through the door, gently setting down you your over-night bag on his couch.

"So, are you hungry I can make some snacks. " he said closing the front door. "Yea, that sounds great, but after you give me a tour of your house. " you said walking over to him looking up about five inches away from him and he looking down at you and smiling once agin. "Of course. Where do you want too start? " he asked clearly excited to give you the tour.

"Wherever you want. " you replied heart beating out of your chest. "Okay, follow me. " he said grabbing your hand too lead you. "This is my living room. That's the kitchen and there is the the hallway and last but certainly not least the bathroom. " he said pointing to each and every room and you giggling at him.

"Why are you laughing? " he asked with a huge grin. "Nothing. " you said still slightly smiling. "Whatever you say. " he said throwing his hands up and you both laughing as you walked towards the up stairs. He gave you a tour of the rest of the house. "Time too make some snacks! " you said excitedly. "Why do you seem so excited? " Y/C asked you.

"I honestly have no idea, but its probably because I really like food. " you said giggling after. "Me too. " he said smiling. You guys made chips and dip, and you also had some ice cream afterwards. "We are so healthy. " you said taking the last bite of your ice cream. "I know right? " Y/C said as you both started laughing.

"Hey, do you want to watch a movie? " he asked you. "That sounds great. " you said. "Okay, but I get too pick the movie. " he told you. "What movie? " you asked getting closer to him and turning your body in his direction. "One, of the saddest, romantic, and amazing movies known to man, the titanic. " he said in a sarcastic voice.

"Okay, that sounds great. " you said laughing your head off. "Okay, I'll put the movie in the DVD player and you can go get comfy. " he said standing up from the couch. "Okay. " you replied getting your over-night bag and walking too the bathroom. You put on some black shorts and a t-shirt. You looked at yourself in the mirror and tried to except what you saw but you just couldn't. You changed into some long black pants, but you didn't bring any other shirt so you were stuck with that one.

You walked out of the bathroom and stopped. You began too cry because you weren't happy with your body. You put your hair in front of your face so Y/C wouldn't see you. You quietly sat down on the couch and put your feet up on the couch so your knees in front of your face. "Umm.. Y/N.. A-are you okay? " Y/C asked in the middle of the movie. "I'm fine. " you said sniffing because you couldn't help it. "Are you cold? I could get you a sweatshirt. What's wrong tell me I'll fix it. " he said scooting closer too you.

"I'm fine.. " you said quietly him scooting closer too you not even an inch away. "Do I have to tickle you? " he asked you clearly smiling. "No. " you replied. "Tickle. " he said getting even closer to you. "Tickle. " he got even closer. "Tickle. " and he started tickling you. "STOP IT! " you yelled smiling like a total goof. "Not until you tell me what's wrong. " he said. "Its so stupid. " you said laughing hysterically. "Nothing is stupid when it comes to you. " he said as he stopped tickling you.

"Now tell me what wrong now! I'm serious. " he said crossing his arms. "But you are gonna think I'm an attention whore. " you said to him. "No, I won't, tell me now. " he said almost furious. "Okay, you are the first person to know about this, but I have so many.. " you said trailing off not wanting him to know because it would make you look weak. "So many, what? "  he asked more worried than ever.

"Insecurities.. " you said quietly and turning away, ashamed of yourself. "Oh.. Y/N.. " he said consoling you into a hug. You started to sob into his shoulder. "Y/N look at me, I have been meaning to tell you this for such a long time now and I think this is the right time to tell. Everyone needs to tell you this, because its true. You are the most kindest, friendliest, most beautiful, and so much more girl I have ever met in my entire life, if that made any sense. " he said practically professing his feelings for you.

"Really? " you said looking up at him. "Really. Anyone who has met you Is one of the luckiest people on earth. " he said wiping my tears away. "This is so cliché. " you said smiling. "At the least, your smiling which makes me so so happy. " he said hugging you. "Now we should finish the movie. " he said you each giggling. "Okay. " you said snuggling up too him laying your head on his chest, his heart beating so fast, it gave you butterflies just to know that you are the reason for that. You wrapped your arms and legs around him.

You guys finished the movie. "I think its time too go to sleep. " Y/C said yawning you barely being able too hear him because you were half asleep. "Well, since you're asleep I'll just put you in bed with me. " he said as he picked you up and carried you to his room. He laid you down gently on his bed. He got under the sheets and put them over you and he pulled you close. He kissed your forehead butterflies in your stomach everywhere. "Good night. " you said too him. "Y/N I have a question, will you do me the honor of being your boyfriend? " he asked clearly very nervous now that he knew that you heard all he said. "YES. " you said/yelled. "Good night, my love. " he said too you as you two fell asleep in each others arms.

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