Crush Guide #1

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This is a Crush Guide -

First Step -
Do I really like him??
~ sometimes when you have a crush, you really don't have a 'crush' on them. For example, if you only like them for their looks.
~ a lot of times we will say that we have a crush on someone when you really don't.

Some questions you should ask yourself. -
• why do I like him??
• do I like him only for his looks??
• is he kind to you, and others??
• would he ever hurt anyone??
• would he lie??

Having a crush on someone is, loving them for who they are, no matter what people say about them or what's on the outside because what really matters is what is on the inside. You will know when you have a crush on someone.


Second Step -
Why do I like him??
~ leading back to the first step, why do you like them??

Some questions you should ask your self. -
• do I like for his looks??
• do I like him for smarts??
• do I like him for what is on the inside, his personality??
• do I like him for an athletic ability??
• do I like him for who he is??

Everyone has their own reasons why the love someone. Some might fall in love with their personality and then everything about them becomes more beautiful. This is what most people should do.


Third Step -
Becoming Friends
~ you may be best friends with you're crush, or you may not be.
~ you need to talk to you're crush, so they can get to know you, and maybe even develop a crush on you just like you did them.

Some Tips
• don't be shy.
• go up to them and start a conversation.
• talk about you're favorite topics and see what you have in common.
• you can start off with a question.

Always remember, if you don't really have anything in common, opposites attract. ( Do you get it?? If you don't get, it is a science reference. I know I'm such a nerd. **pushes up glasses** )

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