Secrets #3

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( A/N: if you don't know, the order of this story goes jealousy, secrets #2, and then secrets #3 if you are confused. )

As you all ran to his house, you slowed down to a walking pace. "My parents aren't home and I'll tell my brother and sister ( or whatever siblings they have ) to leave us alone. Sound alright?" He said looking down at you.

"Yea, that sounds great. I'm starving, is there by any chance there's food at your house?" you asked stupidly, you knowing that he knew you weren't stupid. "Umm... I think maybe. " he said playing along but you both laughing.

"So... why are you taking me to your house?" you asked scared but you had to ask. "Because I didn't want your friends following us around and I'm pretty sure they don't know where I live, plus it's close. " he said with a warm smile.

"Okay. " you said looking ahead but you could feel his warm stare on you.

"You really don't know do you?" he asked with a slight laugh. "Know what?" you said looking up at him with a questioning look on your face.

"How much I care for you, like you, or any of my thoughts and feelings about you. " he said with his cheeks turning a dark red. "I really don't, " you sighed. "Why don't you tell me?"

His eyes widened. "You would be creeped out if I told you. " he said, you all reaching his house and opening up the door. "No, I wouldn't. " you said shyly. "One second, C/S/N, C/S/N leave Y/N and me alone for awhile. "  Y/C yelled to his siblings while walking up the stairs.

"You really would, Y/N. I love your name, it's beautiful just so amazing it really is perfect for your personality, Y/N. " he said getting into his room and continuing on. You giggled. "Ugh. Sorry. I told you, you would be creeped out. " he said nervously, bowing his head.

"Actually it's pretty adorable. " you said getting into his computer desk chair and twirling around. You saw him get up off his bed. All the sudden, the chair stopped. You were soon turned to face a smiling Y/C, who picked you up and threw you on his bed. You raised up and looked at him.

"Stand up. " he told you as you did so. "Now, let's continue what I was going to do earlier. " he said, pinning you up against the wall and kissing you passionately.

You realized what was happening and kissed him back, running your fingers through his soft H/H/C hair and him picking you up around your waist. He slowly cupped your cheek. He smiled, you could feel it. You both pulled away from each other. There was a huge smile on his face, he had a look of complete shock and amazement on his face.

You giggled. He just flopped onto his bed. You climbed on top of the bed and looked at him. "You okay?" You asked with a smirk. "Okay? Okay? I'm amazing!!" he said in astonishment.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it. " you said giggling. "I more than enjoyed that..." he said looking down, his mouth part way open. "Let's go outside. " he said grabbing your hand and pulling you out the door, walking fairly fast.

He grabbed two skateboards from his back door. "Do you know how to ride a skateboard?" he asked looking at you. "Of course. " you said seriously. He giggled. "Why are you laughing at me?" you asked with a stupid smile.

"You were just like, 'of course are you even kidding me?'" He said imitating you and laughing even more. "Oh, okay. " you said still smiling. He suddenly popped up. He squeezed both your cheeks together so you had a fish face. He then looked you in the eyes and smiled. He slowly leaned in and kissed you softly.

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