Request #2

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( A/N: This imagine is for the great, _DerpyPenguins_ ,by the way I love your username. )

I was at school when I heard loud clicking down the hallway...

It was my bully, Abby, in her high heels, as always. She had a smirk on her face. She and her 'group' we're heading towards me. I quickly looked forward into my locker, trying not to make eye contact with them, as I found them kind of intimidating.

My heart began to pound as they started getting closer and closer. I started to put some things into my locker to seem like I didn't notice them, but that didn't work. I felt a hand on my shoulder, it lead me around to face them. It was Abby.

"Startled are you?" Abby said with a sarcastic fake pout on her face as her 'group' began to laugh at what she said. I said nothing. My breath beginning to get shaky out of anxiety. "How about you go play in your orchestra with the other nobody's. " she said with a sly grin pushing me against the lockers. ( A/N: if what Abby said was hurtful it wasn't coming from me it was just how I laid out the story, I'm so sorry if I offended you. )

An arm reached across in front of Abby pushing her off of me. "Leave her alone. " I heard that voice say. It was him, no other than Connor, my crush. "Oh, hey Connor, I see you have came to see me. " Abby said with a wink. "Ugh. Go away. Now. " Connor said with the most aggressive face you have ever seen him make.

"Okay, see you later sweet cheeks. " Abby said, she had always hit on him in front of you, but she flirted with all the guys in school. "Are you okay? Did she do anything to you?" Connor asking with a gentle smile while blushing. "I'm fine, she just pushed me against the lockers, but I'm fine. " I replied to him stuttering.

"Are you sure, I hate it when she picks on you. " he said tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. "I'm fine. " I replied your heart beating faster than ever. "Okay, well I'll see you in science. " he said walking off and waving.

:Time skip to science:

I walked into science, my eyes instantly going to where Connor sat but he was already looking at me. I sat down in my seat in the back of the class, as always.

"Today, class, we are going to be talking about a project. This project will be with a partner- " the whole class whispered 'yes' "that I will pick. " then the class awed. "Anyways, in this we will be making a model of a cell, and be writing a paper including 5 facts about a cell. "

"Now let's choose partners! Umm... Josie with Britney, and Ashley with Connor - " my mind blanked. Did she really just pair me up with my crush?! I turned my head towards Connor to see him doing a excited dance, I giggled at the site of it.

"Now! That you know who your partners are, pair up and talk about some of the things that will be included in the project. " your teacher said. Instantly Connor got up and walked over to your seat. "Hi..." he said in a nervous tone. "Hey..." I said trailing off. "So, umm... Do you want to do it at my place or your place? " he said stuttering here and there. "What ever suits your fancy. " you replied thinking, did I really just say 'what ever suits your fancy'?? What am I, from the 80's?? He's going to think I'm a doofus.

Connor giggled and blushed, I was shocked. "Umm... your place sound okay?" He asked with that beautiful smile of his. "Yea, that's fine. We can meet up after school. " I replied blushing furiously. The bell rang to switch classes. "Bye. " he said. "Bye. " I replied.

Next was orchestra, I also had that with him. "Class!" My music instructor said quieting the class down. "Okay, now, today we are getting new seats so, I want Camila with Brandon, and Emma with Stephen, and Connor with Ashley - " did we really just get paired up, agin?! I thought as this was quite unusual.

"Okay so now move to your new seat! " your teacher said making everyone move to their new spots. "So we meet agin, my lady. " Connor said blushing and doing a silly voice while saying so. I laughed so hard out of nerves. We both talked the entire time during orchestra, making jokes and making the most weird faces at each other out of now where.

:Time skip to after school:

I was putting my things into my locker when someone tapped me on the shoulder, I instantly turned around thinking it would be Connor and smiling because of so. But it was Abby, sadly. My smile disappeared. She said nothing. All the sudden I felt a fist come across my face as I fell down, not blacking out just falling. Abby just punched me. I saw a figure rushing towards me, it was Connor.

Connor's P.O.V. Thoughts

I looked over at Ashley to see her beyond beautiful face, and then I saw Abby back at it agin bullying her. I started walking/running over to them trying to stop Abby from hurting her. But it was to late. By the time I got over there Ashley was lying on the ground motionless but not blacked out but just there.

"What did you do?! " I practically yelled at Abby in her face. Ashley raised up. Abby went to kick her back down but I stopped her by standing in front of Ashley to protect her. "I just gave her what she deserved. " "What?! She doesn't DESERVE any of this!" "Yes, she does, she stole you from me, besides she's just a nobody anyways. " "1.) I was never yours and I will never be. 2.) she is NOT a nobody, if anyone is a nobody it's you. Ashley is one of the most kind, smart, shy, adorable, and so much more girls I have ever met. Come one let's go Ashley. " I said picking her up off the floor and helping her outside.

"I'm so sorry for what happens back there. " I apologized to Ashley. "It's not your fault. " "It kinda is because I actually let that happen to you. I tried to get there as soon as I could but you when I got there you were already on the ground. I'm so sorry. " I replied. "It's fine, I guess. " she said giggling. I loved it when she does that, it's adorable.

We got in her mum's car to go to her house. Her mother warned me that their house is far away from school so it would be a long car ride. I decided to get on my phone to make the time go by faster. I suddenly felt a little head on my shoulder, it was Ashley's she was asleep and had drool coming out of her mouth. It was so adorable.

Once I realized that her actual head was gently lying on MY shoulder my heart began to race and when I looked at her drooling it was so adorable I couldn't help but laugh, I just loved her so much it was kinda hard not too.

:Time skip to at her house:

We finally arrived at Ashley's house. She was still asleep. I felt bad waking her up, so, I just picked her up and carried her into her house. As I walked upstairs to her room, I saw her beautiful eyes flutter open. She smiled, then closed her eyes to go back to sleep.

I laid her down on her bed, gently slowly pulling the covers over her and tucking her in. After that I got a great idea. How about I just take a nap as well, right beside her? You only live once, so why not? I carefully picked up the covers and slid into the bed laying covers back down on top of me. I turned towards Ashley who's face was turned towards me and I slowly pulled her into my chest, not waking her up.

( A/N: I really truly hope you love the imagine, I worked so hard on it. And have a wonderful day. )

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