My day

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It was late in the evening and you were about to go to bed...

You were so aggravated because this girl in your class tries to flirt with your crush but today it seemed like she did it EVEN MORE. She was so pretty and so talented, and you don't stand a chance against her. You stared at yourself in the mirror and got closer so you could see everything more clearly.

You traced your features and mumbling things that you would change any second also thinking, you have no chance. You looked at all the things you hated most about yourself, your thighs, stomach, arms, and just practically, everything.

You saw a tear slip down your face, you quickly wiped it away convincing yourself you weren't going to cry but more and more tears were streaming down your face and finally enough where you couldn't even try to stop  it anymore.

You let out a loud 'UGH' and sat down on the edge of your tub, holding your head in your hands. You give up. You give up trying to please everyone, trying to impress everyone, and suddenly you didn't even care anymore. You were done.

You decided that you weren't even going to try tomorrow and just let things be the way they are.

You slowly lifted the sheets up off your bed and crawled in, resting for what it seems like a first for the past few days. You slowly drifted off to sleep, not wanting to even wake up the next morning.

: Time Skip to morning time :

You woke up at your usual time, 5:45. Same old, same old. You brushed your teeth, combed your hair, and threw it up in a ponytail. You put on leggings and a sweatshirt, not caring what everybody thought of you. You didn't wear any makeup either and it felt so good.

You put your backpack on and walked out the door and got in the car to go to school. You walked into first period, your eyes instantly went to C/N. He was already looking at you and you turned your head away, blocking out the thought of him.

: Summary of school day :

Everyone was completely shocked you didn't even try today. Even some guys told you, you look beautiful, although those words didn't mean a thing to you.

: Skip to end of school :

You walked out of sixth period and let out a sigh. But then someone tapped you on the shoulder. It was him. He looked at you and smiled, then blushed as hard as you had ever seen him. He was as red as a tomato. "H-hi Y/N... " he said staring into your eyes and his pupils dilating a lot. He gulped. "Hiya C/N. " you said smiling a little bit.

"Umm... **gulp**... You look b-breathtaking t-today. " he said fast but stuttering so bad. You could feel your cheeks light up, you smiled. "Thank you. " you said astonished.

You looked down, you both awkwardly stood there smiling at the ground when all the sudden, his arms wrapped around your torso and squeezed you tightly as butterflies in your stomach were having world war 3 in your stomach. You realized what was going on and wrapped your arms around his neck, slowly.

He pulled away to look at your face. You had never seen such a big smile on his face before he was laughing, a nervous laugh. He had to bend down to hug you because you were so short compared to him, but you thought it was adorable.

"You're so freaking adorable, " he said. "Wait, did I just say that out loud?! ". "Yes. " you giggled. You both laughed really hard. He grabbed your hand and lead you out of the school.

You both walked hand in hand. Smiling. Blushing. Hearts pounding. Fireworks. Minds racing. But yet... it was the best thing in the world.

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